They shouldn't have made so many tik tok dance videos, they ratted themselves out.
Good marketing campaign.
You really think this fruitcake knows that? He was raised on MTV and nuggets.
Kwame Brown the worst draft pick in NBA history.
WAP, wet ass pussy, a Cardi B song.
Now do china! You fucking coward.
Got any tits?
A lifetime of leftist brainwashing and anti depressants.
It's ma'am!
That's terrible, I know it's bad either way but hopefully not elementary school kids.
That didn't prove anything.
How many teachers are frothing from the mouth with enjoyment? They must feel important now.
It was Margaret Trudeau, that crazy old bag!
For those who were aware of the Roehampton hotel mess in Toronto, you should now expect the same thing in the suburbs. Say goodbye to your neighborhood!
I'm sure he could still land a fat white chick.
It was dr tam!
I stopped watching Tim & Sid after they threw Don Cherry under the bus. I switched over to overdrive on TSN, they're actually former players which makes their analysis much better. Sid is a total man child, im glad I stopped watching.
Tobias changes his ways early on, I would say Trudeau is more like Peter schibetta. Born to a powerful father, raped twice, thrown into a psych ward, disowned and eventually killed by his friends.
He was a goooood boy!
John Roberts has been compromised, no wonder he stopped voting conservative.
This is disgusting.
BLM hates gay men and woman, yet their leadership is full of lgbts.
Pakistanis make up 3% of the population in the UK, but they make up 40% of all birth defects. The Muslim world has a huge inbreeding problem.
These fucking retards on the local news are practically begging for a lockdown. The 2nd wave! 2nd wave! Covid19 is the biggest hoax perpetrated on mankind.