Funny, I'm starting welding school in early February. My boss wants me to learn how to MIG and stick weld for equipment repairs, its our off season then.
Ulf Samuelsson did it
Swedish is totally lost. What makes the Muslims in Europe so emboldened?
They can start singing WAP and Fuck the police.
America will never unite without a common enemy, they could have united against radical Islam after 9/11. Too bad the powers that be would rather see the white man disenfranchised, they don't want any competition.
Lol the place is "low key" because its shit.
I hope no one forgot about Venezuelans eating literal garbage, I can't Imagine it being any better now.
Did you drink an extra ensure this morning? Hyperactive boomer.
How could Xi Jinping not be on this list, what a joke.
Delusional boomer
They even made it anti white lol
That election was a disgrace, tory had no real competition. The 2 other major candidates were a former city employee and a 25 year old somali woman.
Q is for fucking retards.
All I hear on the news is that the amount of ICU beds in use is troubling. If that's the case why couldn't doug pigman ford create more ICU beds in ontario?
Delusional fat loser.
This pudgy pillow biter doesn't have a clue.
Sophie Trudeau is expecting a baby after this trip.
You have to be a retarded fucking lemon not to notice communism infiltrating into western society. The communist Chinese have maior influence over big tech, big pharma, hollywood, MSM, financial institutions, and our corrupt politicians. Don't forget our leaders have sold out out our manufacturing and industrial base to China aswell.
You're fat
Great going Doug Ford you fat blabbering cunt.
Lol was this from newgrounds?
Asian woman are the smartest, White woman only -8%, not low enough.
Ask Ellie better flee the country now.
They can try Atlantis
Don't forget the patriots, anything patriotic is peak white supremacy.