Title (media.omegacanada.win)
posted ago by JuliusSqueezer ago by JuliusSqueezer

Fuckin’ title.

Trying to leave the store, it’s one of those large double airlock enter/exits and there is now a line up outside that wasn’t there when I got there.

Door woman puts her foot on my cart as I’m literally 2 feet away from being outside and tell me I can’t leave this door and I have to turn around and go out the other way.

I told her my car was out this way and I’m leaving these doors. She refuses to get out of the way and calls the manager over while everyone in the line up is calling me and asshole and an idiot.

Manager get there and tell me to turn around, I said no and he says he’s going to call the police and pulls out his phone, dials customer service and asks them to call the cops.

I just dived passed them and left.

But just think about this for a second.

They were going to call the police on me FOR LEAVING the store.


Guy comes out of mommy’s house today to say something along the lines of “oh fuck, feds, stop people from skirting the $4k hotel quarantine, blah blah blah, god forbid we get a 4th wave fueled by a vaccine resistant variant

Now, I can’t find any media that will directly quote this, but if you look up Doug’s press conference for the 30th of April, you can verify for yourself, but I strongly believe he has or insider information.

And then there’s this: Indian COVID Strain Spreads in Israel, Also Among Vaccinated from haaretz. Never heard of them, don’t know if it’s true or not, have not actually looked into it, if I’m being honest. This is up to you to verify.

I hope I’m wrong, because my little brother got his pfizer vaccine, like a dumb-dumb, after knowing what he’s risking. Now, it’s all for nothing.

That being said, this is what viruses do. They mutate. Now the vaccines aren’t going to be effective against jack shit, but they’ll still modify for DNA and cause blood clots. FOR NOTHING. Not a fucking ounce of protection.

This is a complete joke and I can’t believe I’m living this hell.


I don’t like this country anymore, I don’t particularly want to give my life to it, but I would rather be able to say that I tried to fight off a foreign force, and die trying, than to have my government slowly crush my soul and make death by my own hand look more and more appealing every day.

Fuck these bastards.


Watching Fords press conference. Just announced checkpoints at the Ontario borders.

Intercity checkpoints are next.



150+ ship traffic jam in the world’s busiest shipping canal. This will cause an untold amount of harm to supply lines in the west.

I believe this was no accident and ties in with the leaked email

Right on schedule, gentlemen.


I am seeking an alternative to CP for letter mail and parcels at competitive rates.

I have had several things sent through Canada Post and take an absurd amount of time to show up, yet others literally show up within 12 hours, as was the case today, on Sunday of all days.

Right now, I have had a parcel “in transit, on route to the destination facility” for the last 48 hours. The sort center it’s coming from is less than 3 hours away.

There is literally no reason, and it makes no sense, why an Amazon order shipped last night would show up today and something that was shipped on the 11th hasn’t moved in over 48 hours.

I’ve had enough of the inconsistency and delays.

What alternatives can I use? And how can I get other postal services, such as USPS and Royal Mail, to use said alternative instead of handing over to Canada Post?

I also have something come from the UK and the Netherlands. I hate to think how long I’m going to be waiting for those.


My brother is in his early 20s and takes, for anonymity’s sake, an unspecified program at an unspecified college.

This college has a workout gym that his program requires he use.

He came home yesterday and told me that his teacher told him that there is a guy who watches the students workout via camera, and will come in and yell at them if they don’t wipe down the machines, are wearing a mask improperly or not physically distancing. This is not disclosed anywhere and his class is about half female.

This is insane. This is, for all intents and purpose, legal voyeurism and harassment.

And the worst part? There’s nothing anyone can do because it’s in the name of “safety”.

Take from this what you will. He wanted me to share this with you guys because it freaked him out.

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