The boog is coming ladies and gentleman...
Australia is an Orwellian nightmare. Fuck that place. Canada is also fucked, but Australia is putting on a goddamn clinic.
Diversity is our strength. We've always been at war with eastasia.
Brave is a faggy browser anyways. Just use Firefox (or Seamonkey)
I'd put a baby in her
I jerk off inside books and give life to words, leaving concepts stuck together you've probably never heard.
Nah, but I'll make you cum like a girl if you let me.
I feel special, he even made u/FaggotArchitecture just for me <3
He said, alone in an empty auditorium
You seem pretty fixated on my IQ, you've asked about it half a dozen times today.
Send thicc pics pls
So much projection... It's unreal
You stopped replying to me because you can't handle my chirps... What do you even have to come back at me with?
Reading your comments is like looking through a window into your subconscience .
DO IIIIITTTTTT! +100 from this guy. If you need the background extracted from the image, hit me up and I'll turn it into a proper icon.
They should of sent a pro, but instead they sent an amateur
I think you've had a bit too much to think there citizen. Why don't you take a soma vacation?
I work in tech, and I can't stand working with these fucking "engineers". They're absolute dogshit. They have zero critical thinking skills and their debugging procedures consist of spamming stack exchange and trawling howtoforge. It's sad.
Diversity is our strength
3d printer go burrrrr
Data can lay pipe like a fucking machine!
Lol sick username. Cheers bud
I'm getting bored, can you freshen up the chirps? I'm not gonna waste quality material on somebody who keeps regurgitating the same line at me. I'm at least making an effort to keep it fresh, your shit got stale after the second message. Trolling is all about set, setting and variety.
The boog is coming, I can almost taste it.