OeeThaGreat 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want to lose weight, increase physical activity and decrease caloric intake. This is a fact.

OeeThaGreat 1 point ago +1 / -0

The point is, the article you posted made statements as if they were facts, when they aren't. It could have been hemorrhaging, but it could have been a drug overdose, or something else completely. Don't jump to conclusions, it makes you look retarded.

OeeThaGreat 1 point ago +1 / -0

She wasn't beaten to death in a bathroom, nor did they refuse to call an ambulance, and they don't know the cause of death. She was taken to the hospital that day, and released. She went back later and died. They are doing an autopsy and toxicology to determine the cause of death.

This article is factually wrong, and you are retarded for posting it without doing research.

OeeThaGreat 2 points ago +2 / -0

The messaging was messed up. "Get the jab or you want grandma to die, and you support Hitler!" If the media and the government didn't force it down peoples throats, you would have had higher covid VAX rates and you wouldnt have had all the push back from people. Now you have a ton of people thinking all vaccines are bad because the idiot leftoids were excessive in their push for the jab. Way to go, the plan back fired.

OeeThaGreat 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm not a fan of the dude, but when you try to manipulate information to conform to your "orange man bad" narrative, you lessen the value of legitimate complaints.

Stop being retarded.