I've just never been afraid of it. Not a single day. I looked at the numbers and demographics every day since the beginning, and it just never seemed enough to be scary. The only thing that felt scary was the fact that they were going to destroy the country over it. And the only thing I'm fearful of now is the very obvious control China has over most of the world, and the fact that the people who ARE scared of Covid will boldly cheer on having every last right stripped away from them.


Just saying.


And the more guns Canadians own, the better we're protected against tyranny.

Apply to a course, pay your fees, fill out the paperwork, and get yourself a gun. Shooting is fun! It's a great hobby and a fantastic sport. Hell, even shooting paper with a 22 is a ton of fun.

Learn how to use a firearm. Respect our laws. And buy a Glock 17, an LMG 81, or a Benelli M4 (or the Canuck Operator if you're on a budget).

Armed citizens create a safer environment for all of us. And I would sleep far more soundly at night knowing my neighbor has a pistol and has been trained how to use it.