Thats a doomer pill, this same free speech platform that you are using is because of , the community that was created because of Trump.
The deep state is throwing too much at Trump for him to be controlled opposition. It's more believable that Q is legit than Trump being a show at this point.
The culture shift alone because of Trump is nuts on it's own. He made fake news and deep state a mainstream idea.
The problem with making Canada, Canada again is that it is Canadians fault for letting this happen to the country in the first place. Something has to change in the culture or there won't be a Canada.. or more specifically, no point to be Canada if the culture raises people to bend over for the government.
Yeah I heard that different sources but we are forced to play the game because chose to spawn here. There is also courage in standing up to them. Good experience in evolving consciousness, they are a challenge to overcome.
Now if you mean don't be obsessed by them, then yeah I agree
It was always on the Military to settle things in the US.