Pepe1776_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

People have been duped into equating "Canada First" with ultranationalist, racist sentiments akin to Nazism especially through all the crazed TDS rhetoric. All the media has to do to convince the average dolt of a voter in this country to ignore PPC or any non-establishment candidate is equate them with Trumpism and make some vague allusion to "white nationalists."

For there to be any real change in this country people need to be convinced away from Keynesian economics and the ridiculous notion that government can spend us all into prosperity.

Pepe1776_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Personally I prefer the Libertarian platform but PPC is an acceptable compromise as they have a lot more support from traditional conservatives and a better chance at victory. Conservative Party would be best but O'Toole is an empty suit.

Pepe1776_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Time to start publicly shaming Tory, Ford, and all the arrogant pukes we call "health" care officials.