To all my friends on omegacanada,

My red flag is regarding the China Virus. Why didn't Trump expose the virus at the beginning for what it is? An over sensationalized flu with an approximate 99% survival rate. Why didn't he pursue the true origins of the virus and expose the Wuhan laboratory and how big pharma has the patents to the vaccines?

Why did he go along with the global ploy, the agenda, the "Great Reset" as some may call it? He could have taken a different approach rather than lockdowns which are antithetical to their objective. Lockdowns destroy healthy people's immune systems. Why not launch an awareness campaign to promote sanitation and common sense practices? Why couldn't America be the shining beacon that the world could look up to? Why did he fall for it and launch us down this path?

Lastly, and this is by far the largest stain on Trump and this is what makes me wonder if Donald Trump is truly fighting for us, the working class people. Operation Warp Speed. The constant promotion of the vaccines. Why does Trump tout vaccination so much? Is it because he knew that the media has a death grip on half of the country, and he needed to go along with the global lockdowns in order to preserve the "optics" due to it being an election year? That was my initial gut reaction. But after months and months, with no end in sight to the tyranny, one might ask if there is another motivation? Did we all have the wool pulled over us? We're we dupped and taken as fools? The working class has been so desperate for an outside voice to stick up for "them" and take it to the establishment and the status quo that when Trump arrived on the scene people we're immediately attracted to him and what he stood for. A man who would single handedly take on the deep state and save us all? Could it be too good to be true? If you look purely on actions taken, and not just the loud noise and conjecture in between, Trump advocated for country wide lockdowns and vaccinations. We KNOW this is not what we want. Listen to the crowd whenever he mentions vaccines, whether it was at CPAC or during any of his speeches. The crowd goes silent. They want NOTHING to do with vaccines. Supporters don't care when he blows his own horn about how great a job he did on the rollout and the medical "miracle" that it was. People can see through the charade regarding the vaccine.

Now this brings us to the present day—and the current political and cultural climate that we encounter. Full blown propaganda and censorship, cancel culture running rampant, people too scared to espouse their views due to repercussions such as losing friends, family and their jobs. One may argue that this is what the "Swamp" wanted all along. Trump being such the polarizing figure he is, helped create this. Sure we love it when he calls out everyone on Twitter, and the fiery, colorful speech he uses. We love when Trump goes full mad dog. Now I ask you to think about how centrist/leftist citizen view this. His sometimes over the top antics are viewed by many centrist and left leaning citizens as a danger to democracy. They'd rather have a snake-oil salesmen spew elegant lies from atop of a podium than have a straight shooter that tells it how it is. This ties into the the indoctrination of the school system and how people are not taught to think critically anymore, but rather to see the world from an emotional/tribality/victimhood viewpoint. Couple the TDS, with elements such as BLM, Antifa and the media, and the flames are fanned to a boiling point. These people don't view you as an American, or a neighbor, or a member of the community anymore. No more seeing Joe as Joe, but instead as a straight white male. When have we seen this before in history? Brown shirts, stars of Jerusalem? Ring a bell? Combine the labeling of Trump supported by the media as racists, white supremacists, domestic terrorists, etc, etc, and you can see why I'm beginning to worry about my fellow brethren's turning on each other. When you start to view people as not people, it's a very slippery slope indeed. Another note is how Covid is being used to turn people on each other, and viewing people as "germs" but not humans. The pretext and conditioning for sending people to concentration camps (labeled as quarantine or re-education camps).

What if Donald Trump was selected and placed by the establishment to paint the picture that half of the country needs to be "re-educated" or begone with? They needed someone as bombastic, as controversial, a true showman to be able to pull it off. Who better than Trump? Now we have half of the country who views the other half as the enemy, or unable to reason with or swayed. Was this division preplanned and manufactured?

Instead of marching to the drum beat of left-right, Democrat-Republican, we need to begin to see that both sides of the coin are corrupted. The only real change that can occur can only be elicited from a bottoms up, grass-roots movement. No help will ever come from the top. What do you think Q was? A coordinated effort and honestly a brilliant psychological tact used against us to submit us into complacency. If we took a proactive approach from the beginning, taking up positions of power whether it be at the legislature level or even being a poll watcher, I don't think we'd be here now. The left get's what it wants because they actually stick together. They're activists, they go out on the street and show force. When do we actually organize and actively aim to regain power? Never. Instead we might get a spicy, well worded response from Cruz or Hawley, but it's all for theatre. It never leads to anything. It's literally meant to appease us and keep us from digging deeper and questioning their actions.

This is a long post but I've been a member of this community since the Reddit days. I joined r/the_donald and .win on day 1, and I used to check the site essentially every morning as a routine. I love everyone here, but I don't want us to be blind to reality and form a cultish mentality. Change is coming. We just had to decide if it's going to be the "Great Reset" or the "Great Awakening", that part is up to you and I and all of the citizens of the globe.

Note: This post was originally submitted on the I was immediately banned afterwards. Whenever I mention Donald Trump being a false prophet, such are those mentioned in the book of Revelations, I'm continually met with extreme pushback and resistance. I present two different options to look at Donald Trump as a whole. Either:

A) The powers were too large at hand. Trump expected Pence to side with him and not to approve the fraudulent votes, but rather send them back to the state legislatures. The military top brass were compromised and sided with the Globalists. Trump truly tried his best, but the swamp prevailed.

B) Trump is apart of the swamp, a false prophet and the greatest conman the world has ever known. He was hand-picked by the establishment long-ago, with this being his role to play in this grandiose play.

My intuition tells me to believe that option B is more plausible, and in-fact the case.

Assume nothing and question everything. God bless you all, much love.


I see lots of posts about people refusing mask mandates and starting to not comply. This is the way. A good start. What gets me is that many of these posts describe how you become the center of attention. Folks staring at you googly eyes, not knowing what to do. Get used to it. Become accustomed to being a beacon of light in a world of darkness. Rid yourself of any iota of fear—fear of backlash or retribution from your peers. If your heart beat raises one pulse, you've been conditioned. Break free from the shackles of caring what people think about you. This is larger than you and I. You're fighting for our future generations freedoms at this point. Refuse the mask. Refuse the jab. Refuse the insanity. It starts with you. Never forget the power of the individual.


When man is denied his ability to work, he is being denied the ability to perform the most basic human function there is, work. Work is what humans derive our purpose and meaning from. Without work we are lost. Work is what gives birth to the possibility of growth. Work is what creates our society, the pillars and cornerstones of our foundations and all human progress past, present and future. For any external force to deny man his ability to work, is antithetical to human nature and inherently wrong. Our governments do not have the authority to deny us from work. No man on Earth should be able to dictate to another man whether he is allowed to work or not. Only God has that power. It's evil what they are doing. Call it out as such. Don't back down. We must go back to work and reclaim our way of life.

May God bless you all.


"We're all in this together" might just well be the most tone-deaf, condescending, obnoxious phrase ever to be conceived. We clearly are not all in this together.

Our leaders deceive us, then leave in favour of sunny beaches. They collect their pensions and wages without a worry in life while we line up for government handouts and food stamps. We're barred from seeing loved ones, yet can protest en masse in the thousand—or shop with hundreds of strangers at the local Wal-Mart or Costco. Small businesses continue to shutter their doors never to return again, destroying countless families and livelihoods in the process. We continue to handover our freedoms and liberties for a false sense of security, under the guise of public health and safety.

At what point does one ask themselves and say enough is enough? Where is the line drawn? What is the breaking point? All of this for a virus with an approximate 99% survival rate? Do we really destroy our society and way of life for the foreseeable future in order to combat what's inevitable? The circle of life continues, to attempt to delay or reject it is futile. Love life, cherish your friends and family. Don't take anything for granted. Your time on this Earth is limited. Fear not death itself, but rather fear failure. Go out and accomplish your goals and dreams. You only have one life. Make the best of it. ?