PoliticalProlapse 1 point ago +1 / -0

This one shouldn't be blamed on the liberals. They picked a Canadian company, was Trudeau supposed to know that this wouldn't work as they would have hoped/planned?

PoliticalProlapse -2 points ago +3 / -5

Everyone here talking about "tracking app" just shows their technological and scientific incompetence.

  1. there's nothing tracking you. Bluetooth token exchange is literally contact tracing, not location tracking. The numbers change every 10 minutes. There's nothing stored. The app is open source, you can literally read the code and see what it does. AND it does not have location permission.

  2. the whole point of the app is it's to alert you so your dumbass can start isolating yourself before you show symptoms and don't infect your grandma or your mother on cancer treatment. It's also for people who are asymptomatic.

  3. social distancing and masks work - if you don't understand how having a layer of any type of material can reduce the amount of spit you produce during talking or amount of moisture you aerosolise, you're also fucking retarded

And last point - for those that say that they refuse to do X because of high survival rate, all you do is show how fucking near sighted you are. Think of the old folks, think of people who have shit immune systems - those are the ones that you are throwing under the bus.

If you bring up the flu - I also wish the west did what Asia does and wears masks in workplace during flu season. Literally saves lives.