I run a Corporation in Canada. At my desk on a VPN right now in fact.

Our corporation ignores and legally circumvents Canadian Labor Law entirely. We achieve this by never advertising our job openings. Interviews are by invite only. We look for people we like, we do not allow people to submit unsolicited resumes. We have no HR department and never will. We are to serious for that.

Its like this...

I do not hire 'Alphabet' people.
I do not hire people with thick foreign accents unless Brit or Aussie.
I do not hire POC people unless they sound and talk like us and have sufficient enough WHITENESS to meet with the presentation we desire. (we have a few and they sound like normal Canadians and are valued team members)

See its not that I care about race, I care about Merit, Value, and Customer Experiences, and I also care for having my culture, ancestry, nation, and history be respected. I cannot work with people who do not share that sentiment and whom cannot give my clients the kind of experience they expect. If someone were to call me a racist for this, I would not be bothered in the slightest. Nature is Racist and Cruel, and Business is something I compete in rather then define. Im playing to win, not to make friends.

I do not hire the mentally ill.
I do not hire people who are poorly dressed.
I do not hire people with fluorescent hair colors.
I do not hire foreign workers.
I do not hire losers with zero confidence and soft voices.
I not hire any woman who raise the subject of gender.
I do not hire anyone who virtue signals on their social media.
I do not hire anyone sympathetic towards ANTIFA or BLM.
I do not hire people who I can identify as LIBERAL VOTERS or Marxists.
I do not hire people who have a 'non-binary' concept of gender.

And like I said, our company does Interviews strictly by invite only, so there is no way whatsoever anyone can prove any wrongdoing. We do not open ourselves up to that by publicly soliciting candidates.

Those who would put us at risk never get an opportunity to apply or speak with us at all. We won't allow it.


That is how its done Frens.

Large public corporations can go woke and get broke while small aggressive companies like mine swoop in to eat the carcass.

Fuck your leftist Principles. What kind of loser do you take me for Canada?