The sooner you accept this fact the better.

  1. No, it is not a fake virus. It is a very real novel coronavirus.

  2. Yes, it is true that it impacts people at an advanced age more than it impacts younger people.

  3. A vaccine is on the way and will start being distributed in the UK and the United States on December 12. Canada can expect to get its first shipment in Q1 of 2021.

  4. No, it does not kill 98.5% of people in long-term care facilities. Although that’s been reported on this page that is fake news. The number is between 60 and 80%.

  5. Yes, we have likely overreacted to this virus, but we did not know it was an overreaction until the data indicated it was.

  6. You do not want to get this virus regardless of what your age is. It will make you very sick and miserable like a bad flu. No, it will not kill you unless you are already on death’s doorstep.

  7. No, healthy young people do not die from this virus. Although the media loves to find examples of this happening that is typically fake news.

  8. Yes, when worn properly masks will help prevent you from contracting an aerosol and droplet-based virus. If science proves that this is an airborne virus masks are useless. Currently it appears that this is still a droplet-based virus that spreads through aerosol spray. Aerosol and airborne mean two different things.

  9. No, masks will not completely prevent you from getting the virus. They help and how much they help is unknown. Some studies say it is as low as 5%. We simply don’t know.

  10. This has been a fire drill for a more deadly virus to come. Hopefully that never happens but if it does, we will, as a society, be much better prepared to fight it.

  11. The great reset is not some scary conspiracy to steal your wealth. Anyone who says otherwise is a retarded conspiracy theorist who has not researched what they are talking about. The 2008 crash taught us that our economy is hanging by a thread and needs to be strengthened fundamentally. The great reset is a plan to do that.

That lasted long (www.blogto.com)
posted ago by RealHarvo ago by RealHarvo

And yes, I continue to get vaccinated, as do my kids. I am still very pro vaccine but they are not 100% without risk.

Bye bye Dumpf.


As some of you may or may not know, my homeboy the sexy u/angrymulbear got banned for making a comment that was deemed anti-Semitic. Although I won’t post the comment here because I don’t have access to it and if I did I’d likely get banned for the same bullshit reason I will tell you that it was not anti-Semitic. He called Ezra Levant a “Jew.” Ezra is a Jew.

The reason this needs to be highlighted is because I know how this ends. OMC’s vague rules will be used to ban dissenting opinions. We all know that racism runs rampant here. The comments are rarely removed and are always upvoted. Black people are sometimes called “darkies” or worse. Homophobia and bigotry is found in most threads (although not against the rules). The mods will plead ignorance and claim they just don’t see them, but in a forum as slow as this one I find that hard to believe. It is not my style to report comments I find offensive (mainly cause I am not a fucking pussy) and I hope this doesn’t become a bunch of grade 3 tattle tailing on one another.

Let’s be better than OGFT, r/Canada and the former metacanada. Satire should be off limits. If you can’t handle the heat here, get out of the kitchen and go back to r/canadapolitics or some other safe space. This place was off to a great start until one of the mods decided to pull a heavy for some bullshit fake ass reason. Let’s hope it is a 1 off.

Mic drop bitches (www.nytimes.com)
posted ago by RealHarvo ago by RealHarvo
So embarrassing (media.omegacanada.win)
posted ago by RealHarvo ago by RealHarvo
Drain the swamp (media.omegacanada.win)
posted ago by RealHarvo ago by RealHarvo

Update: (November 18, 2020) After publication of this news story, Tides Canada contacted us by email. They state they moved out of the office building at 215 Spadina Avenue last year

Just say yes. (media.omegacanada.win)
posted ago by RealHarvo ago by RealHarvo

I think most will all agree that a mandatory vaccine program for COVID-19 would be overkill but what if, for example, a vaccine was developed for a new much more dangerous disease than COVID-19, say with a 25% mortality rate. Would that sway your opinion?


Circle jerking 101 (media.omegacanada.win) Dressup
posted ago by RealHarvo ago by RealHarvo
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