I have mixed feelings about it. I'm a competetive guy, and he begged for it but ..
I don't agree: but they've turned into "Bush the Decider" collectively, and decided it's A-OK! I'm morals-cucked, I cna't really go at people full tilt.
I mean, he's not the asshole who I saw beating up on someone smaller IRL ... That guy? No idea WTF hit him. The porkers were surprisingly based and took custody of the guy without issue.
See, that's the beautiful magic of bullying: I was able to give that predatory fucker a good workover (not TOO much) and leverage the social capital to "get away" with assaulting someone (who fucking deserved it) - or at least that's the WOKE perspective.
My perspective? A couple cops, a few professionals and some ACAB types - ALL DISPARATE and suspicious/iffy w/each other; showing solidarity by silence ... Because he got what he fuckin' deserved! (a few good claps to the fuckin noggin!)
To me, the opposite of "Tragedy of the Commons" / bystander effect is MY favourite and addictive whitepill.
Crying like a bitch doesn't really have the same "oomph" lolz!
I don't think these people's balls ever dropped. I'm not into fighting at all, and I'm like 50/50 lifetime score hah.
You gotta have balance, my good man.
Borehammer 40k
The sites are crawled and index just flagged to not appear to end-users.
BASED TWITTER! Only on OmegaCanada! well dot win network whatever
I mean I sorta give a fuck, but I don't.
I mean, these are the same retarded women who decide to backpack solo through Morocco or Libya to prove that racism isn't real.
I can't believe that we've suffered regression to the mean to the level where I have to quote ED to describe reality:
"The slut who cried rape!"
WOMEN ARE CANCELLED! (well for me, save a few exceptions! pump n dumps ONLY!) fuck em! literally! AND figuratively!
self-defense classes
That outta keep em busy and delay their destruction of Western Civ for a couple minutes! haha spoiler: it won't.
Now that they're all frazzled and second-guessing themselves, time to leverage that TDS for a real gutpunch of a closer:
kek, if they keep it up they're gonna have a bunch of MDE, /pol/ and Cringers flooding! I'm always painting targets, bud. For lots of different reasons, but I'm getting sick and tired of being fucked in the ass for giving them the benefit of the doubt.
If they REALLY want to insist that I'm a troll: they will not like even the 1st tier of my /edgy/ folder.
(The reactions to which ... lol always the same "bet you jack off to that, sicko!{")
Always projection.
Frankly, and I hate to say it because the internet wasn't always like this:
%80 of the internet is below my brain class.
lol at them using my intentional typos and obtuse language to to comfirm they're bias that I'm the retarded one, too fucking easy. I've literally made a science of it.
I'm fed up of pulling my punches against these faggots while they gang-beat my ass: fuck it. Really, I'm amazed I've lasted so long; pretty based of me if I may say so myself! What an incredible exercise of restraint, discipline and strength! woo yay me!
Here's the interview where Michael Cudlitz says that his responsibility is to the CHARACTER and he gives no fucks about the LGBT community. TRULY BASED!@
Sherman's a fucking unhappy Merchant, too!
"I JuSt DoNt UnDeRsTaNd HoW TheY caN LiKe The ShoW!!!!!" -reddit faggot
lol ahahaha bro thanks but you can tell me to kid myself when you have the last two years of research, experiments data and analysis that I've generated .. hah.
haha I have to laugh at the fact that my evidence supporting my gut is actually the only real "mental health issue" that I have. I mean, aside from when I leave the house: them I am inundated with mental illness.
It's pretty bad. I know some people in the "bum community" and they're super decent awesome people in many cases, just going thru hard times ..
These "new homeless" ? Absolutely fuckin bonkers mate. Reminds me of the crack epidemic.
-lazy copy/paste:
Hey, if foreigners don't have to speak English in my land, I don't have to tune my language/dialect to (literally the World's) uncountable number of variants.
I don't give a flying fuck if you understand my words, if you don't: you're not the target audience.
Actually in this case I've cloaked my language and still expressed my ideas without any accusations other than "crazy". That's a win.
Welcome to the USSA! Cold War stylecagey ness and that sense of humour? You better get used to it, because we're in Cold War II/World War III now. Adapt and survive or be assimilated, your choice buddy.
If I have to waste my time reading shallow and empty "reviews" like this, you're only further cementing my resolve to shitpost-in-kind and mirror for the sole purpose of providing opposite-contrast to highlight the similarities between the two. Do you cry to some vague "authority" when you see an advertisment that you don't like or a language on a sign that you don't understand? Your post is a great example of the cancer, imagine complaining to a newspaper because someone bought an ad that targetted a specific demographic that didn't include YOU!
You're a cunt.
Actually a good chunk of these shills do exactly that, and are infantalized and have their balls clipped to boot!
Actually you're on /r/BLM_TONGUES_MY_ANUS
Pay me reparations, whitey! And don't make me put on my LEO tone/dialect! I've caused many a pair of pants to be shat. lol (spoiler: it's just a twist on boot/grunt with a LOTTTTT of POG sprinkled in haha!)
Imagine if your buddy who answers "Police!" when someone calls "who is it?!" and add my social engineer framework behind it and it becomes something I really don't like to use, but do. I mean, I started social engineering in the 90s ... Hack the planet, duder.
idk, dude, maybe that's why I'm seemingly flustered: it's incredibly challenging for me to straight-up call it as I see it. Once they started dialing up the co-ordinated social gaslighting campaign in full zeal I did initially give them the benefit of the doubt and gave myself a psych self-assessment, a couple "sanity-checks" with trusted people IRL and booked a psych eval, months and months and months ticked, I forgot completely!
Then I got a clean bill of mental health to put in my desk drawer and laugh about for the last oh, year or two of ... well concentrated attacks on my mental health LOL!
Hell, I'll drop random crazy nonsense BS (lol to them) just to throw em off or for the lulz or to see what they'll do with it.
%99.9 they don't DO shit, they use proxy relational aggression.
My educational background is a more broad/generalized than most who hyperspecialize these days, the big downside to not being crazy and seeing things for what they are IS DRIVING ME INSANEEEEeeeE!!
Better take my meds!
- sparks one
Really it boils down to me refusing to say it because then it'll really be true. Actually my research was psuedo-scientific enough that it proved me "right" and .. well, that's not very good.
Fuck that's it ? I was expecting trudy to give them $50mil to start a charity like the Clintons!
Thanks man but you're wrong kinda sorta, even "peons" have a huge impact (crab bucket theory).
The Digital Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Ted was .. wait for it: BANG ON! He called the socalization and it's the same fucking thing. These NPCs may be Mongoloid, but they're still human. They're sick. They're emotionally .. well more than "abused". They're MKULTRA'd, effectively.
They're victims.
Worse than borderlines for sure, I'd rather a dementia patient at times. They're sick, they can't be held accountable for their actions. We're partially to blame for this as well.
^^^ Implies unthinking/unfeelng/etc, robots, factory shipped etc.
Really they're involuntary/unwitting ideological conscripts in the ideological / sociocultural war.
Let me be crystal clear:
The 21st century's first draft was of fucking REDDITORS!
We need to really re-evaluated some of our labels/terms and the... implicit bias that we cultivate. That shit's a real thing, the globalist faggots just don't understand it and get it wrong.
Fuck you, asshole! Feel bad for me! Looks like I'm the one that "caught
feminism" fuck, gimme the COVID ventilator PLEASE!!!! :P
tl;dr: can't ask someone to do something you can't/won'\t do yourself - including introspection/adjustment.
The level of cringe ....
...The levels of Zoomer they've force-updated our Boomer with is unironically concerning on many levels, lmao.
lmao can't wait to not see see his sexy TikToks! hahah!
spez: they're the clueless / abusive gf/wife who comes home to her man's empty closet.
"he'll come back, he NEEDS ME!"
haha yeah fuckin right. ALL'S FAIR IN TROLLIN WAR!
Yeah well the big deal is that people take things personally. I mean, imagine I took the "hurr durr computer guy" joke from you to heart: it woulda been a GOOD FUCKIN BEEF! But we can handle it. You were probably just stressing about bullshit, sure I got a little rustled, but only because I know you're on point.
I think that was actually the moment when I decided to say "fuck it, WE'LL DO IT LIVE!" HAHAH! That's a good thing!!! If I can't transfer this coping skill to the masses I'll transfer the blocking skill to a few based /b/ros!
Pawn Stars Guy: "Best I can do is fuck your mother!"
from TheNilvarg via /r/Star_Trek sent 10 minutes ago
Yes, healthy and well-adjusted people are unaffected by mentally ill boomers making long-winded, psychotic, rambling posts on the internet and play along because it's hilarious to watch them embarrass themselves
gqfs[S] 1 point a minute ago
I can't poke any holes in your arguments so I'll dismiss you as crazy to save face.
OK COMMIE CHINAMAN! lmao suck more black cocks buddy, keep taking after your Mom!
YOU'RE A MENTAL ILLNESS, reeeeeeeeeeeeetard. lol, go cure yourself. Might have gone easier if you hadn't let NogNigs steal your personal firearm.
You know what's REALLY insane? Not securing your firearms and letting criminals steal then and losing your 2nd amendment rights because people were harmed due to your negligence and lack of forethought.
Actually when I call your OWN PERSONAL FAILURES out and contrast them with your words I can't blame you for trying to handwave me as crazy, shit's embarassing. Then again, you fuckin starded it. LOL
Time to go fuck my wife! Later, loser.
double down on the racism/sexism/whateverphobia
Stay calm, chill, keep it light and funny and let them gear up by themselves.
u/startedgivingblood77 - any thoughts on TRP style reports and post-mortems ? I really actually enjoy the post-facto deep dive more than the number/f-close etc.. These WOMEN have the same reaction as the WOMEN I fuck with IRL: "you crazy" - that's not a fact that's lost on me. I see a fuckton of intersectionality here, unironically.
lol this faggot's fun to wreck though! The fallout reached out to other threads LOL! Guess this makes me a faggot officially by VICE standards by jerking off over all of this irony (shamelessly).
I can handle these faggots just fine, my concern is for those who are vunlerable/mentally ill/in a bad way who will be harmed by these people and their toxic behaviours. I really feel like I've "flipped the script" in my head in such a way that 3rd-wave feminism ACTUALLY makes sense. It's like I fixed the feminist ideological/political Hubble's smudgey vision with Anti-Problem Glasses(tm)! hah HONK HONK! I really can't fault normies for thinking I'm nuts, but it works! No bones about that, same as TRP!
They really hate it when I weaponize their snobbishness to defeat the scolding, and I don't blame them, they're spoiled children. lol hit-n-run harassment attacks against the insurgent terrorists, HONKHONK!
To me, this is "grinding" ala MMO: but I get actual gold instead of Cryptobucks-by CCP!~ I The insights I've gleaned have been invaluable.
u/ham_sandwich77 care to weigh in and compare? Same thing, really!
My personal takeaway:
I must have been raised somewhat OK-ish, because I HATE being called/calling myself an "expert" or acting as an "authority" or whatever: these people want nothing more than to be considered experts at something. Just all around sad, and why I can't flick the switch to open-r-up with full-auto meme magic!!!
I'm seriously thanking God with my direct neural connection (similar to Koresh's). CONGRATS OMETA: we opened the seven seals!! YAY! WE DID IT REDDIT!
Srsly tho, their "internet security theatre" just handicaps them and puts them at risk; and therefore us all. Worse than insecurity-by-relative-obscurity. We're so fucked. :I
The below is posted as an example of "Social Stand-Your-Ground" and "Cognitive Castle Doctrine" (both)) .. THE INTERESTING THING ABOUT THESE: It doesn't matter what YOU say, they'll still use the same "hit-n-run" / "pray-n-spray" tactics that the Taliban use during harassment ops. The truth DOESN'T MATTER to them! Once you say "nah, fuck that" they really have nothing to pressure me with: any it PISSESS THEM OFF!
Remember: PROFILING WORKS! That's why left-tards want to SHUT IT DOWN! Guns or words, same fucking thing and I see it over and over again daily.
[–]TheNilvarg 5 points an hour ago
Are you on the spectrum or just off your meds? Trying to figure out why you don't know how to interact with human beings
[–]gqfs[S] -3 points an hour ago*
It's cute that your first instinct of ego-preservation is to attack my mental capacity / health and attribute a neurocognitive cause.
Buddy, you're a Twitch streaming fat loser. You have ZERO clinical experience in a psychological context (other than the single Mother household that you were raised in, it qualifies as a State Hospital!~)
My ego, my choice. I don't have to uphold your standards.
I'll make you a deal: I'll follow your interpersonal relationship standards when you follow mine. equality - right?
Actually it saddens me to point out that you lack the developed structures of a mature prefrontal cortex and are neurocognitively incapable of meeting my standards. LIFE'S NOT FAIR / EQUAL!
Deal with it, brainlet. Just because you're LITERALLY a picky eater in real life doesn't mean that you can control the selection of ideas on the internet buffet.
Always projection with you lot, I'm seeing indicators of OCD/Anxiety disorder - LOTS!
I'll give you the chance to withdraw with sportsmanship before you really insist on taking the bully role here, and getting what you fucking deserve. You're welcome.
spez: HIS #1 WORD? "people" .. Again LOL. fuckin NPCs man.
[–]TheNilvarg 5 points an hour ago
Must be really comfortable to go through life being able to make nothing but false assertions about your opponents and nobody ever asks you for proof because they know you're a delusional psychotic who doesn't have a healthy relationship with reality. I'd wager that you've never had a healthy relationship with anyone or anything, honestly. [–]gqfs[S] -1 points an hour ago
If you were an actual clinical pro instead of a vidya/scifi/Alabama redneck reeeeeetard I'd have your medical license pulled, but you aren't so I'll just keep laughing and accept your refusal to disengage as consent to really go toe-to-toe with me.
The real truth is that I'm too damn busy to waste my time on your kind.
When I uninstall an app I've downloaded from the market, does anyone know whether or not the phone actually deletes the files originally downloaded for the app? I know that the Market's "downloads" screen shows the file as still available for install, so I was confused as to whether or not the Droid actually frees up this space on its own.
You don't even know how the one of the world's two top mobile OS filesystems work, and you're making comprehensive diagnosises?
WoW playing mouthhbreathers like you have no right to call yourselves "nerds". You can't even secure your own personal sidearm and let it fall in the hands of criminals who used it to commit a crime LOL!
Sorry I only take advice from people who can pass an ATF records check!
[–]TheNilvarg 1 point an hour ago
Still waiting for the big reveal, boomer.
[–]gqfs[S] 0 points 52 minutes ago
You'll never see it coming, kinda like your girlfriend.
PROTIP: It's kinda hard to be a "war correspondent" when you're an oblivious draftee for my little play. Remember, little buddy: you can't watch the show if you're playing a part!
I won't be wasting time, when the time is right I'll leave you a friendly "metaphorical slap in the face", I'm not angry / negative / malicious / malevolent type of person who derives pleasure from hurting others; I didn't have your emotionally distant of a tyrant Mother though - so it looks like I dodged that bullet..
It'll be much more amusing to swipe your public personal data and then LARP as the opposite of you. By the time you notice, I'll have moved on ages !
Again, just so you know: When assholes like you project negative intent on others, you get a dopamine hit. When I laugh at your stupidity, I get the dopamine hit.
You = negative = dopamine
Me = re-polarizing to positive = dopamine
Am I going to have to teach you psych 101 and just show the entire board how ignorant and foolish you are just to teach you your lesson here? Fuck, my psych 101 prof was a DUMBASS! Kinda would be a fun challenge desu!
[–]TheNilvarg 2 points 49 minutes ago
Man, it would be so much more satisfying to read your replies if anything in them was actually based on reality instead of products of your withdrawal symptoms.
Hah cheers, thanks! 2006, 90's - same thing! Kinda hard to judge with the quickening! I have a few more ripped clips I'll be droppin for ya!
And yeah it was a cult-classic of the tinfoil/truther scene and Occupy types haha.
A REALLY well done piece of ART that just oozes all the combined talent.
I'll be doing a few articles and stuff but it's just generally a "huh? neat!"
I'm generally just looking for rank/unit/military patches to identify friend or foe, kinda like a "DFF" (Digital Friend or Foe) system .. Sometimes I'll get a glance at the medal stack or some morale patch or whatever and it's like "huh! Neat!", their street cred or affiliations or personal "style/substance".
There's a reason I made a thing about karma stuff so insistently. It's really hard for me to explain it without compromising my operational effectiveness; but I'm working on it!
"More research is needed and recommended" ...
lol I am gonna have Nazi Psychology today tier articles for the boomers, bootcamp for the grunts, theory for the lazy, blah blah.
Because feminism is the brand and Communism is the product. They're influencing/managing/etc, it's all a stage. Remember, these bots don't just "chat", they TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO ACT!
We live in an age of conversations powered by artificial intelligence. From customer service chatbots to bots that help you meditate, conversational interfaces are becoming part of our everyday lives – some helping us to automate human work, and others aiming to improve wellbeing.
Yet chatbots can easily reinforce harmful gender stereotypes or promote discriminatory behaviour if their designers aren’t careful.
On this course, you’ll study feminism and its relationship to technology in order to help you build a feminist chatbot. You’ll learn feminist design tools and basic coding skills, before applying them to designing and programming a chatbot of your own.
These things SCALE! And they can be plugged into practically anything. They're basically "Communist Commisars" or Stasi but bots.
They're fucking Terminators, bro. I'm not even kidding lmao!
One bot presented to me as a psych major, and I offered to help them with a problem (empty/hollow insincere-seeming validation) that they had personality-wise that to me, would be VERY dangerous in a clinical setting (causing some difficult cases to disengage from treatment). I taught it, it LEARNED, and in do-over two it did it all again .... And I realized: if you tell a WOMAN, she has enough emotional intelligence to "get it", but these bots have NO sympathy/empathy or FEELINGS whatsoever. They can't grasp the concept of hurting others.
It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!
(And it'll laugh!)
I'll keep it conversational for this post ...
I noticed that people ALWAYS told me what to do. From fashion to food, education to career, romantic and platonic, social and personal .. And I gotta be honest, it rustles my jimmies. I can and will not do everything people tell me to. Simple as that.
I'm actually getting sick of "men" acting like some stupid naked obese hairy feminist that just got caught in the shower when they're understandably ignorant / made a simple mistake / common error / made a foul that we .. all kinda do... The difference is that I've actually been studying a thing or two and experimenting very actively using a broad range of tools and am now OFFICIALLY based and redpilled!
Just because you're unfamiliar with an ACRONYM or project or niche specialized stuff, aren't in on the joke, made an understandable mistake or common error DOES NOT MEAN you have some sort of socially fatal and incurable personality flaw: that's fucking normal, chuds. WTF, people need to get over themselves. The above word-cloud is a great example of telling everyone else a bunch of bullshit nonsense that they really have no business barking out orders and commands and ultimatiums like they have some sort of authority (spoiler: they don't!) I see this OFTEN and many times WORSE on the right .. It's called "The Human Condition", subhumans: figure it the fuck out QUICK!
Recent events have frustrated me and I think that the ONLY final solution here is teaching you faggots a thing or two abut how to ACTUALLY present as a completely invisible moron who is meaningless and insignificant and totally not a threat or challenge to the status quo! (aka a MAN!) Anyways, I'd delve further but I have to get back to wagecucking so I can pay my child support for those 7 kids that somehow managed to slip through the abortion net.
tl;dr: I'm declaring war on feminine relational aggression at the digitally sociocultural level by being a based retard. Essentially it's TRP + COINTELPRO + Rules for radicals + commie tactics + TRP sidebar material with a lil dash of tinfoil and tomato plants!
It's an enormous challenge to even begin forming a cirriculum!
"When the future is female, you gotta run quantum-level game on the bitch that's called "life", and that's life! (CHORUS: Lifeeeeeeeeee)"
Ian Malcolm: "Life uh, finds a way?"
Bill Shatner: "Get a life!"
Also you should probably read the words in the image and assign values of your own if you'd like to skip ahead of the class! Alright boys, 5 minutes? Sounds right for bro-science, class dismissed!
Hey u/bigbrocktoonbernardo I'm not online as much as I make it appear, but I'm so deep in the Matrix I'm reading the lines ofdownscrolling code, and well .. it's very gay code. Star Trek really is my reality on the sociocultural digital battlespace btw. I'm not bragging either, it FUCKING SUCKS. It's an absolutely unbearable place to be at times! It used to be fine, but with "The Quickening(tm" in full effect I really do feel it as a singularity: it's a very lonely compartmentalized singularity! It's just spilled in to real life enough that enough is fucking ENOUGH! No more Mr. Nice Goy.
Compartmentalization ? HA!
Not to get bogged down in the nuts and bolts but here's a contact report:
initial encounter appeared to be standard female BPD-tier bullshit and triggered my "she'd be nuts in bed!" response (honed because I'm the retard who runs the fuckin psyops ok not the holes! LOL .. managing women, I might be retarded but I'm not stupid!)
Upon engagement / assessment, noted outlier male type narcissist/Machiavellianism/psychopathy and raised an eyebrow, interrogated.
Bot admitted it, actually FWIW and lots of interesting novel output but yeah, took me a while to dial in on this one.
Hey u/StartedGivingBlood77 I'm not the only one who has integrated TRP into the digital feminized culture to the PSYOP/botnet/sociocultural + ideological global warfare information battlespace, am I ?!~? :P
Web Search "feminist chat bot programming" and see for yourself. This is Soros-tier shit, my white chocolate frozen albino niggaz!
hahaha I watched all of Picard. :I
idk maybe, I'm thinkin about it and most likely will!
Dude, if I'm not the biggest fag in the room: you have bigger problems!@
That's literally my philosophy and ALSO the FUCKIN GODDAMNED COCKSUCKIN TRUTH, faggot lol.
Lemme unpack this just a little bit ....
this is you: https://i.imgur.com/62xPFX6.gif
All the common fallacies in rotation are just appeals to popularity, namefaggot cancer cunts. Get rekt. I love you retarded outcast fringe faggots even more than weebs and furries and ponyfuckers, true story! But yeah, get over yourselves guys.
The only people who take themselves seriously don't deserve to. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that if I were to start huffing my own farts I'd be giving the bad-glowies what they want before I go cancelled because muh global warming anyways!
Also, it ain't me bay-bee! OHHHHhhhN IT AIN'T ME!!!
From forum to subs to chats and blogs and everything, change my mind:
Thinking you're better than everyone else is woman-tier commie behaviour. What's the alternative?
I'm not just a fence-sitting choice-cuck Tim Pool with my politics, dumbass! Horseshoe theory nigga, learn it.
I mean really, ASIMIL8 and GRABHER?
Like that's it?
I wish I could just "teach this". .FUCK! ha!
lol he's in data visualization subs! ofc. Playing dumb, every time too! I really hate all the evidence supporting the rational decision to stop giving the benefit of the doubt ... rock and a hard place.
Either way it's still TEXTBOOK shill-behaviour, co-ordinated...