RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

fun fact: the Jewish cultural irony makes the Writer's Guilt to CACKLE in delight while meticulously producing the rare element that powers the Ancient Lantean ZED PEE EMMS that power Atlantis! (with handles bound in holy matrimony with usury!

That's the origin of the "shit"-related "jokes", it's the toxic and radioactive tailings pond of the most inbred, malformed and malignant genetic byproduct polonium to "boil in the grand pool in the shit of Hell for eternity"f

Scholars believe this BIG brained fucks-to-give merchant was last sheen jumping through a forcefield, emergency bulkhead and the inner and outer hulls "What do you mean a bar of gold-pressed latinumg?" before COMPLETELY disappearing from every single one of Omega's internal and external sensors.

Q predicted this.

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol I fell for the Khazar milker mem more than once, starting in high school lol but yeah, I'm 100% that it was her yappin yenta yap on my dick (lol before/after "blowjob queen" JAP makeovers! lol.

Back in the 70s I heard they went straight from OAC to intern spots for totally legit Trudeau network co-conspirators!!!???? IS THAT TRUE>!>!?!?!?

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have created this coded in an ancient code known only to the most pure and holy Templars who will by "a divine intervention" becomes inadvertently but definitively and in mysterious ways with Tom Hanks in Greec........

  • **shudder

*-Oh yeah that's a triggerin... Moving on ...

And the Antichrist Jesuit Antipapa, his holy father himself commanded God to bring upon his little pussy schizo druggy tinfoil conspiratard truther anti-war pro-war ungendered blobs who "don't see race" and then hot-jumpstart a fuckin teetering truck at full power because, why the fuck not? The tow truck guy has insurance, then they all charge everyone cash extortion and take some 1/10 $mil /year + "That's all lol".

Is it bad form to stick a put option on humanity's kid's future's mortgaged suffering? Nah, that shit is classiy with an almost PERFECT AA rating!!! lol!

IN OTHER NEWS: You won't BELIEVE what types of degenerate cartoons that young adult alt-right bigots masturbate to!!

[Warning: this content may trigger a disgust response in some viewers. User discretion is required.]


RedditPowerBottomMod 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol yeah, conscripts ... can they really understand the concepts of volunteer vs conscript army?

Seven of Nine: [unzipping her catsuit and examining her breasts in a reflected console while before giving herself a "borg probe" right in the pussy and then like whatever, disconnecting from he alcove, rosy cheeked with perfect hairp- purposefully striding like she is daring the very fabric of the very sub atomic structures that form matter to put it's cock in her ..


  • seven shows the nuts and bolts that form the fabric of matter to "Man up and fuck me right, you little bitch ass androgynous, infertile AND impotent "wah wah Starfleet Policy PUSSY! I will instruct you on the most effecient ..."

  • Tuvok enters the scene annd immediately (and quite definitively !) chokes the fuck outta Neelix to death..Then drags Seven to the holodeck to "assist with his medical treatmetnts" ....the Vulcan bastard actually DOES pump her full of "the arcane and illogical method used by Ensign Ham Paris to determine wether or not he believes that I am a, [vulcan "over this shit" eyebrow/eye-roll (subtle]) that Mr. Paris insists that I must deposit to earn the so-called "title" of " A man".

TUVOK + SEVEN SIMULTANEOUSLY: "The logic is sound. Fascinating."

  • Tuvok exits as abruptly as arrival, and somehow took Harry with him, time for some "termperature therapy", Harry Kim!

subplot: Kes gets sent to the brig for flashing her pussy to Naomi Wildman

one imperial gallon units of "priceless Vulcan semen, the

"An apt metaphor."

  • Reset to 7 o 9 TNA weekly for 5 years.

See, even I can write better NuTrek than CBSJWs!

hurr durr im ihsarratlllwaikiiiiiii *barfs Mom's Spaghetti" SpecuashshsalksllallllL MARRRRREN CORE OORAH!

The role is so retard proof even future retarded Jeri Ryan can play it zonked out on benzos n oxys! So basically indistinguishable from your average US Marine, for context.

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sociocultural and interpersonal bullshit aside, I want to say that in this manner; the trannies are textbook definition of "based" (source: ) because it takes some real fuckin BALLS to put on the institutional hole's uniform!

I want to say that and maybe pain and rehab redemption arc is what I want to be, but case studies and autopsies and even the most intentionally bungled investigations can't help but catch an errant one or two Col. Williams here and there as the CODB!

**UPDATE: CDS releases audio recording of highest-level meetings @ NDHQ #CAF_GAY_PRIDE #TOLERANCE #LOVE1enemy: https://files.catbox.moe/usjgdq.mp3

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +2 / -1

Also hey u/BigBrocktoonBernardo HEADS UP , the faggot shirt's on the warpath.. AGAIN!!!

**Next time, on "Military or "corrections"? wink, wink **

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE INSTALL A DECENT EDITOR AND give basic html/bbcode compliant formatting support kthx <3 love the site tho, cool shit really.. Kinda like Keanu tbqh "whoa" fam desu desu it was.

RedditPowerBottomMod 0 points ago +1 / -1

What the fuck are you talking about? You talk like you didn't graduate Middle School.

Not sure if a bot or the average leaf?

Meh rake em all, that's what I say! If I get collateral raked I understand, guys. Good luck!

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey, if we're going to talk seriously about suicide I'm ALL FOR IT!

I think you should die doing what you love! That's why I suggested the "Switch" KINO /comfy/ and BE THE REAL YOU, a 72 virgins gendered Goat-kin who gets buttfucked by the local Immam and whoever wasn't spy enough in their old age to snatch up a toddler to fuck (at a GREAT DEAL, THANKS CLINTONS!)

I mean it's practically "Islamic Englightenmen Period" as far as your shithole kid-fucking prophet of death and despair and its cult of followers type of sexy fan-fic that you guys (lol) all jerk off to, alone together, isn't it?

Damn I should snap up a CBC job like a literal slave thanks to Liberal Globohomo! I've seen the light! Lol since women are basically just useless and the biggest child in the room, do you think we can even things out a bit and perhaps trade one male for 4 females just to make things a little more equal, because equality and equity and I don't know about you- but ##HE'S JUST NOT READY!

Hopefully a JDAM finds you well, otherwise!

spez- In Minecraft: real life edition!

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what? I wrote it. The bots indexed it. Do you think that I am stupid enough to share your psychotic and solipsistic delusion that I believe that about myself, much less you?

You're the literal textbook stereotype of a low effort like ... pre-JIDF /pol/ shill that they pulled from the IDF retard batallion:

RedditPowerBottomMod 2 points ago +2 / -0

Me: lol yeah our fake consumer culture eats its own tail and we literally become memes in the play because socially induced dopamine and oxytocin fuckery plus human nature, epigenetics, evolutionary psychology + biology,, blah blah science (boring).

ppl: you crazy!

This is what the end result is for these NPCs: https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=a75UI_1597164639

Even whites can be Harvard graduates!! It's in MUH CONSTITUTION!

PRO IN-GROUPING TIP:Just label your opponent "stupid". This is literally the feminine relational passive-aggressive emotionally manipulative "mean girls / instawhore" attitude ... It's the inferior gender's equivalent to the uncivilized common pavement apg engaging in percieved "trial-by-combat" against the AWESOME ODDS that'll he'll survive and defeat the police in and walk away from the scene with zero resultant consequences due to their victory.

RedditPowerBottomMod 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your tireless efforts spent being a bad shill really has shown me that there really are limits to human willpower and pride.

I truly appreciate the gift of living that people like you have given me! I'm pretty sure that your kind is immune to community spread of my vaccine against your levels of sheer fuckin hubris, annoyancebot.

Without "people" like you I wouldn't have real standards to develop with pride and dignity, much more functional variants of broad-spectrum stubborn + spite ! Oh yeah, God said you're the faggot, faggot. And like, he knows ALL THAT SHIT, sick freak.

Assisted-suicide yourself (with the style of the trendy and hip!) lol so...... none?

I'd recommend that you employ a breath-bag over your head and getting /comfy/ playing your KINO SWITCH XDDDDDDDDDDDD in the running vehicle in the garage but ...




hmm maybe..


ah fuck just write the fuckin funs test and be a man for once in your life!

You shills need to reach suicide parity with your pet tranny Golens, sick fucks.

RedditPowerBottomMod 2 points ago +2 / -0

The briefcase incident alone deserved nothing less than no clearance for LIFE ever again, even Enhanced Reliability.. No fuckin way, even if he's busy GETTING SHIT DONE! There should have been jail sentences handed out ten ways!!!

Max has the balls to TRY! that's something. RISK FAILURE!

women tongue my anus.

Since the whole 9/11 timeline shift of spacetime distortion +singularity (described by Art Bell as "The Quickening"!) - it's CLASSIC HAARP bouncing off clouds seeded by chemtrails to create a gravity lens to channel the energy of a huge Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun route it through the phase coils of the wormhole drive and act as a capacitor strong and stable enough to dial the 88th chevron and make it to Hitler's ascended realm amongst the Gods!!!

It's pretty clear to the OSINT community that the Tic Tacs and weather balloons/swamp gas may be the craft of the actual DMT aliens, of which that fuckin footy faggot David Icke kinda got right! BASED SCHIZOPOSTER ON TV!

I mention this because Icke has BALLS. Bernier has BALLS! My biggest personal achievements (MINE! No awards, WOW!!) were very vocally and uniformly argued against with the same tropes (come on man you'll never do that, ur just an X) or similar "leashing" and "pro-active arguments to prevent or dissuade or derail your .. well, best ideas not because I actually thought idk it's possible that if you do DMT when you go thru it gives you the "DMT aliens bonus level" and you get an extra trippy wormhole! Ha! Now back to wtv!!!!

It's like TOTALLY fractal bro, like come on- you brainlets hahaha HAM IS RONAN WITH NONE OF THE GOOD QUALITIES!

I'm Rodney Mackay because I'm a socially dismissive genius who has no time for whatever it is that you little people say or do, I mean come on; can you name a single person who blew up a an ENTIRE SUBREDDIT? Ok ok ok fuck holy shit, loser, get off the computer: I don't have the time to read your lists, tailor your opinions to my sensibilities, you bigot!!

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +2 / -1

After seeing this video (produced by Commie CBC everyone conveniently loves to forget when it caters to their bias!) be RELENTLESSLY astro-turfed by (((unknown))) ... EVERYWHERE "alt-whatever" (/r/conspiracy, /pol/, meta) ... for YEARS! CONSISTENTLY, the SAME THREADS over and over and over ..

You fucking newfaggots need to fucking lurk more sometimes, Jesus fucking Christ.

You literally gain quantum-levels more by listening to the shills over blabbering on with fellings and opinions... And bfeore you accuse me of being a hypocrite: I accept this critique and agree! As a matter of fact it's known as one of my favourite jokes because NPCs will unironically swarm this "NO U!" like a crooked cop with the zero sum gotcha games you can't win like it's some sort of uncoerced confession or something.

If you're white and male and straight and Christian?? wew lad Judge ain't gonna like that risk factor for terror! BAIL DENIED! MUH RISK PROFILE WITH THESE FLAGS ARE DANGEROUS AND PROBABLY TERRORISTS BTW!! SHELTER IN PLACE IF ENCOUNTERED IRL!

RedditPowerBottomMod 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know a guy who knows a guy and I heard that serious guys listen to this guy apparently, allegedly, supposedly maybe and I heard him say it with his own fuckin mouth:

"%95 of the guys in jail are there because of a fuckin' WOMAN!"

That's the real power-mod IRL, females. They don't give a fuck about kids.

Source: Plucked from safe home due to not being "a perfect victim" (to borrow a phrase from feminist rape-fetishizers who don't REALLY care about consent/sexual violation/trauma to children .. Because in my experience it was always that WOMAN (despite being another "person" supposedly)...

Same as my rez-school friend said:

"The Priests were always kind, it was the Nuns who beat us."

also hah lol that "genocide" (ie: commodification of kids for profit) ended?

Nah they just picked new victims that people don't care about.

For once I AM actually triggered and readily admit it, if you're not angry/sad, well that tells me ALL I need to know about you, sick faggot.

They seem to be smart enough to not pull their typical tricks when I discuss this stuff, I'm hoping that won't lasts ...


Give 'em the rope for free and let them earn their deserved reward.

Much cleaner for everyone btw.

PROTIP: NEVER GIVE THEM THE "GOOD" ROPE, just "good enough" will be MORE than they deserve!

Also for some reason they really hate that Joker line about GETTING WHAT YOU FUCKIN DESERVE! Anyone have any ideas?!

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

While the literal actual glowies not only turn a blind eye to the rampant ... very very bad stuff and tolerate their agents committing inter-state FELONIES to "own the troll" .... Clearly despite meeting the prosecution criteria being met, applying RICO charges wouldn't be in the best interests of justice or whatever lmao, I don't believe a fucking word these sickos and their affiliates/associates/partners say" official or not!

Tempted to write a novel about evil fascists who use these types of covers to legally execute their political/business/wtv enemies while engaging in that very behaviour themselves, I'll call it... PIZZAGATE!

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

So we have independent third-party confirmation of the GRIDS positive status of this individual!






audience: "when my wife's gone to work?"

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many times am I going to have to cite the Goldwater rule for you faggots before you realize that I'm immune to even your most persistent and intense gaslighting?

You're worse than a woman

Daily reminder that you'd quit and give up 1/10th into my daily reCaptcha fading digi-cockblock cuck-clickies and claim the IT guy really broke his computer, not him.

lol I know the type.

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

just writing a bunch of memes

Yeah that's the whole point to code-switching, they just don't like it whene I ... APPROPRIATE and refine their typical tricks .. and then BTFO their gay girlie "balls" LOL I rather enjoy that, like rapping a dog on the nose with a rolled up paper .. I mean, if the dog was a cunt cat in a Dog's body, and I'd hit poor little doggo for simply barking!! lol but no, I'm not like them - and tht's the whole joke, really.

"wah wah wah you CAN'T use post-modernist "sarcasm" (ie: LIES, presenting opposite like "AS SEEN ON TV" shysters and hucksters ! That's NOT FAIR and and a HATE CRIME! OMG nazi dogwhistle white supremacy! hahahah.

:( awww muffin LOL ...

I think y'all newfags need to lurk moar and study up on the history of /pol/'s cultural response to morons/criminals/psychos taking advantageof the unfettered free speech and subsequent adoption of "objectionable" bling (Stormfaggots being the first biggest kek-granted MEME MAGIC that we memed into reality. ...

Same thing as OG HA (Sonny's crew) adopting the Skull n Bones, really. Scares away the normalfaggots, and I basically employ the "joking/crazy'/drugs/dismissal of the day" to grant me plausible deniability and speak my truth.

But hey, after I play AHS like a fiddle y'all can school me on language! :P

((I bet most people would tick the "angry / annoyed" box for my perceived response to being proven wrong, corrected, etc... lol but yeah, like the libtards and conservative opinion prediction, that never works out for htem in the end either.

actually giving a fuck what emotional retards FEEL about a tactical sock

"OH MY GOSH just don't downvote me, I'll do anything! I'll SUCK YOUR DICK!!!!"

-ham n flanky prolly

haha just kidding lol don't mean that one bit eh, those guys are very solid and stuff bro!

How the fuck has no one here read the Art of War?

RedditPowerBottomMod 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't have time to fuck around with Omega formatting (lol yea I have a technical beta test summary on the way for the devs) and I'm late so here: https://pastebin.com/cxrksnUS

Oh yeah my fee for that is some legit transparency btw LOL!

NOTE:" other powermods like AoV/DoM and co involved HEAVILY via GG and KiA/KiA2 ++ D&C of they GoymerGaters (force to be reckoned with tho honk honk lmao! They judged it as "big", seeing as they intentionally waited until AFTER the "drove the stake into /pol/'s heart" to even TRY tackling this novel /pol/-lite.

"ITS DA JOOOOOSSSSS" --AoV. Huh! lol was he trying to pretend the opposite again? Check the FBI vault tweets for info HAHA!

Hey u/Lupinfujiko was it just me or didn't I read you identifying with Christianity previously? I did note your less than Godly choice of letter combinations today, the day that I chose for this drop/AMA... The Lord's Day, perhaps you've heard of it?

Kinda like take your "Devil Stuff" and fuck off. "Muh right wing moral panic!" .. hmm, sounds familiar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idRezm03vU8

I'll actually spell it out since you're functionally retarded:

"I know kids do listen to that and take it very seriously. Yeah, ah, you know, um, my ma's boyfriend's kid's into the devil stuff from listening to that Black Sabbath. They--they were killing cats and writing all over the wall with it."

Source: unknown 80s/90s AM call in show (maybe?)

ARTIST: Evil Nine

TRACK: Devil Stuff

ALBUM: You can be special too. (2004)

RedditPowerBottomMod 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for that. There's nothing wrong with Butlering, it's honest work. That's more than I can say for your PR campaign.

I've decided to come to the conclusion that your "subtype" is a loose coalition of scavengers/bottom-feeders who wax poetic (with lip service) towards "muh Conservative ideals!" but based upon my observations, you'll toss those principles aside just as fast (when convenient and beneficial FOR YOU, fuck the Commons amirite??!) as the libs - and your whole crusade really had nothing to do with the principles of free speech, shared communication, Canadian identity (just your favourite "team" in the World Statist League, don't move over Sportsball!! oh wait..) ..

You're a charlatan and a pretender and your reaction simply confirms what I've said all along. If you truly were as sincere and honest as you insist- you'd have had no problems addressing my points and explaining your reasoning/motivates behind your actions. Instead, you tryr to pull the purity spiral, like a standard NPC. I

I think seeing a glimpse of the true scale and actual belief in this behaviour is really the saddest thing of all. This is why we call your base code authors "insect people".

I really don't WANT to encourage you to consider the possibility that your brain/mind/head doesn't really matter in these instances .. because it only takes a person with a barely functional heart and soul to see you cheerlead yourself doing this to us and our collective children, and it's not something to be smug about.


Digitally or mechanically, I'd argue that due to scale/reach and socialization exploits you're orders of magnitude more culpable than these passer-by in the story, do you have a list of these to go with your "banned users" or did that only matter when you were trying to muscle in on the censorship racket for your own reasons?

Asking for 8 billion friends and family.

Keep fucking yourself, btw Commie shill, that's not my job description or choice regardless. Be more blatant and brazen, greed-pride faggot. I guarantee that a not-insignificant amount of Canadians agree with me but keep their mouths shut/ignore for various reasons. Me? I like to play 1d chess.


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