Riggs99 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is one reason why Trudy govt keeps arresting Rebel journalists for asking too many questions.

They are the ONLY media outlet actually doing investigations anymore in Canada - and crimes are being uncovered every week.

Riggs99 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Also - anyone that refers to 'qanon' as a single unit is either a shill or doesnt actually know what they are talking about.

Riggs99 -1 points ago +2 / -3

And to be clear - who cares if anyone believes in Q or not - Jones turned on Trump. Pretended to be MAGA for a while - shows up to events with his bullhorn and tank and lots of shouting about evil globalists - but then stops mentioning Trump. A bunch of his people are con artists and liars.

Goes on Tim Pool and says 'yeah Trump lost maybe next election eh?" Oh and buy my stuff off my website!

No honest person who knows or even just claims the election was stolen is going to turn around and just shrug 'We will get em next time guys!' - there is no next time if they can steal any election with impunity. Anywhere, ever again.

Either this one gets resolved correctly or there is no more freedom ever again.

Riggs99 -1 points ago +4 / -5

Normally wont bother replying to shills or idiots.

But either learn to read or learn to google.

Ali Akbar - Joins 'Stop the Steal', then pretends hes leading it, then redirects fundraising to his personal account. For one. He has hired others.

Why were you talking about qanon? I wasnt. Very revealing about your intentions yes?

Riggs99 -1 points ago +5 / -6

Jones was butthurt after he tried to claim for a while he was 'talking to Q' - and then got publicly slapped down for it. Then he goes and claims its all fake.

Jones is controlled opposition. He says some true things, but in a crazy way so normal people dismiss true things - how much real info got dismissed and anyone that even repeated it 'Oh you got that from crazy Alex Jones so its crazy and you must be crazy too". he said at one point (might have been on Joe Rogan I think?) that he was a performance artist.

Then also lies and turns on true patriots at key moments - pied piper strategy. He also employs known scammers that hijack real movements and steal from them and try to shut them down - and fires real patriots.

He has done a lot of good work over the years, but seems like got bought out at some point. Look to his older work - but dont trust anything coming out of his mouth nowadays.

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