1--Divide the people...Blacks vs. Whites (actually everyone else vs Whites)
2--Appearance of popular support: BLM, protests, riots. (see #4)
3---Neutralize the "opposition": Conservatives are evil, crazy, RWNJ, racist, Fascist, Nazi, ..insert every other name here (embarrass, discredit and degrade "critics")
4--Precipitating Mob Violence: See #2..First signs of a revolution. "Quarrels should be provoked"...Media does this daily. (Young masses, leftists). "Cry police brutality"
1--Divide the people...Blacks vs. Whites (actually everyone else vs Whites)
2--Appearance of popular support: BLM, protests, riots. (see #4)
3---Neutralize the "opposition": Conservatives are evil, crazy, RWNJ, racist, Fascist, Nazi, ..insert every other name here (embarrass, discredit and degrade "critics")
4--Precipitating Mob Violence: See #2..First signs of a revolution. "Quarrels should be provoked"...Media does this daily. (Young masses, leftists). "Cry police brutality"
5--Create the semblance of a revolution.
Holy fuck.