TheSavvy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I stopped wearing a mask almost 5 months ago because I saw a little girl holding her breathe as her mom walked her to the front door of a daycare. The mom said, "Remember to breathe Sarah, remember to breathe!" then the daycare lady opened the door and a woman answered with a mask on and a face shield. The girl couldn't have been more than 3 or 4, I think she was afraid of covid and holding her breathe when she left the car. It fucked me up, I've gotten in trouble at work (construction) because I refuse to wear a mask. You can go inside any store without a mask on, in Toronto the city bylaw is a joke, they cannot refuse you service based on you not having a mask, they have to accommodate you because of the Ontario Human Rights Act.

If you're wearing a mask you are a pussy straight up. I don't know how else to say it. Fucking grow a pair, this is wrong, it's not about the masks it's about our human rights and our freedom and you are all complicit in letting it slip away. Half the people going into stores should never be wearing one. You can threaten to sue if you are refused service, if they threaten to call the police there's not a damn thing they can do other than escort you off the property. I've heard rumours they may charge you with trespassing but the charge doesn't hold up, again because of the Ontario Human Right's Act, it's a scare tactic. You actually can sue if they refuse you service, potentially winning tens of thousands of dollars if you feel so inclined. Just try it, no big store will turn you away, I've gone into grocery stores, pharmacies and home hardware stores. The worst they will do is offer to grab what you need and bring it to you at the door. But most places just let it happen because otherwise they know they will get sued.