they needed a group of people who would accept and go along with the socialist takeover. Poor uneducated people will gladly lose their freedoms for UBI and free stuff, they dont know any better. Well weve been had, Canada and the west will never be the same.


The powers that be want us under a socilaist / communist system similar to China. Competition is dead innovation is dead, were all going to die in 1 bedroom apartments working for our tyrannical governments. Food shortages and blackouts will be common, theyre already trying to get us to eat synthetic meat and plant based garbage, along with having us power off to save the planet. Id rather be dead than be a fucking slave.

Pretty sad (media.omegacanada.win)
posted ago by TorontoLoser ago by TorontoLoser

Was getting a bagel sandwich this morning and this little twink came in and ordered. 140lbs max, I thought how I could dominate his tight ass in bed with my BWC. I realized that it's gay to think about fucking dudes but it's 2021 and Ham_Sandwich likes cock so why not?

Honestly black woman ride the best, they really want to earn your loyalty. However half of them have herpes so it's a big risk.

Almost every video is darkie with a white woman, am I the only one who finds this disgusting? It's basically beastiality, why do they keep pushing this garbage. I'm not even much of a porn watcher but sometimes I go on for a quick jerk off. This has to be deliberate by the porn websites, I want to vomit.

So my sister in law who's a real estate agent was showing me condos the other day. I live right beside one of the condos she was showing me and I said how sometimes I can see people on their laptops from the window. She went on to tell me how her sister can see people from the four seasons performing sex acts. I'm pretty fucking shocked, am I just old school or am I right to be feeling like that. I feel like that is totally inappropriate and odd to say to me.

Dm me for pics.


Why else would he alienate his base? Trust me guys he has an ace up his sleeve!

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