I grew up as part of the white minority in the Caribbean, these people will never stop as long as people give them the attention that they so desperately crave. They will milk the racism cow dry as long as people keep buying into it. Will list a few examples of my experiences living in a majority black country below.
1 - When the white minority is involved in politics :
black people : Why are these honkey colonizers trying to take over our country again? Always trying to rule over the black man. Racists! also black people : Why don't the white locals get involved more, these racist honkeys want nothing to do with black people. Racists!
2 - In business :
black people : The white man is always running the black man out of business. We need more black businessmen. Let's stick it to the white man by showing up late to work whenever we feel like it, stealing from his job, and giving attitude to his clientele. Racism! also black people : Why don't white people hire more blacks. Colonizers will always support their own first and have their own segregated business communities. Racism!
3 - In school :
black people : Why do these racist colonizers always send their children to private school away from the black people. Racism! also black people : Lets harass and assault the poor white bastard unfortunate enough to end up in the public school system just for being white. Lets bring guns, drugs, and gangs into the schools and wonder why white people pay to keep their children away from that. Racism! Btw, polar bear hunting is a real thing for anyone curious.
4 - Housing :
black people : Why do white people never want to live around blacks. These racists will never stop. Do they really need to put up barbed wire around their communities? Racism! also black people : Let's break into every home at night, play loud music at 3am in the morning, steal anything off the front porch what is not bolted down, sell drugs out of our homes...wait why are the white people leaving and living in their own gated communities with walls and barbed wire...Racism!
I could go on and on...if only I could impart 10% of my life's experiences on the white population here and in the US this cow would run dry over night. Unfortunately, not enough white people have had the privilege of being a minority and have no clue what they are signing up for by encouraging this hogwash.
As one commenter below pointed out, these people don't want equality. What they really want is preferential treatment. They want to have an easy road in life where they don't have to do any work while the white man pays for all of their welfare and gives them an easy ride through life. They want the white man's success without ever having to put in the white man's work. They want life made just for being black.
I love to ask the brainlet whites who support this whether they believe that there is affirmative action for the white minority in the Caribbean. Hint : it is not. If you are a millionaire and can afford to roll with the expats, you can have a pretty decent life. God help you if you are a working class white though, no affirmative action jobs, business loans, political movements, etc. just for being white. Good luck ever getting any sort of government assistance in the horrid event you ever need it lol. Good luck ever getting the government to help you at all if you don't line someone's pocket lol.
If only more Canadians can see how badly the black majority destroyed many Caribbean countries. When the white governments were in place, the power would stay on, the water service would be continuous, no crime to speak of (you could leave your door unlocked at night), no drugs everywhere in the streets, corruption at a minimum, etc. After majority rule, power can never stay on, the water is always off, good luck if you live in a major city without being in a gated community without barbed wire on the walls (if you live in a rural area, you would be 100% advised to have a firearm), drugs everywhere on the street, corrupt politicians the norm, etc.
The religion of wokeism is nothing new, ask any white Caribbean person, Rhodisian, South African, etc. The Labour government under Attlee were the ones to initially start it, but the Tories of the time were completely useless in stopping it. Only a few brave Tory backbenchers ever bothered to speak up when the region was being handed over to people that were completely unprepared for running a country with no experience whatsoever. Being scared of getting called a racist is not a new phenomenon at all.