If you're not aware the government of Canada has released statements to government employees that soon all government employees will be forced to get the vaccine. This also includes sectors regulated by the government such as banking (also airlines, etc...), where I work.

When this goes through, I don't believe I can in good conscious work for this society any longer and pay taxes to this government. I guess that's it for me guys. I'm not sure what I'm going to do but I'm officially done with this country.


I'm curious what a more broad Canadian's take on all of this is. I usually talk these things within my own circles or Americans but I don't hear from a lot of right-wing Canadians often.

Here is my quick take:

Public Education - Should be entirely abolished and taxes lowered to compensate for the savings. This would lead to a much better outcome for society as a whole.

Public Healthcare - Should be entirely abolished and taxes lowered to compensate for the savings. This would lead to a much better outcome for society as a whole. I am possibly for a compromise in which an absolute minimum standard of healthcare is public an everything over and above this minimum is private but that's a compromise for me.

Immigration - Should be entirely banned for 100 years then reevaluated at that time.

Role of Women - A new law should be implemented that makes it illegal for any business or government agency to hire a woman instead of a man if there was an equally qualified man who applied to the job. Also, women should have their privilege to vote removed. The role of women is at home, having children, raising her children and supporting her husband. Society should shame sluts and refocus on being a chaste society.

Charter of Rights - Should be abolished. The concept of rights based on gender, sex, sexual orientation etc... are hugely problematic. All they do is allow for governments to restrict other people's freedoms on the grounds of trying to enforce equity.

Indian Rights - Fully annex all Indian territories and no longer recognize Indians as anything different than Canadian. A one-time lump sum payment given equally among all qualifying Indians to be given if society requires some sort of virtue signal to pretend what they're doing is morally just.

Racism - I think racism is perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with people being racist. For the purposes of the rules it doesn't say racists aren't allowed here, just don't be racist so I won't be racist.

Democracy - I believe a universal suffrage democracy is a failed system that always leads to mediocrity. I would prefer a Republic with voting restrictions. The restrictions I would have is the following:

  • Men only
  • 30yo minimum
  • 4 years minimum military service
  • 3rd generation citizens (no immigrants or even 1-2 generation immigrants)
  • Pay pay net positive taxes
  • Must own land of X value
  • Must have biological children

Nationalism vs. Globalism - I believe Canada should focus its efforts on restructuring its economy to place Canadian interests above global interests. I believe in the Nation-State and in promoting a strong sense of Patriotism leading to a Nation which competes with other nations.

How do my views aligns with the general views on this forum?