Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where's the concern??!?!?!?

Trudeau ask for more Chinese troops!!!

Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yikes, Mensa sounds like it's the "look at me, I'm special because I have a liberal arts degree of the academic world" but the IQ version.

Tseliteiv 12 points ago +13 / -1

Don't be scared of antifa firebombing businesses or attacking people. This sort of violence is good in order to spur people into action. The more people are scared to do anything the more they've already won without us even putting up a fight.

Band together with people in real life. Create groups, clans, orgs, guilds, fraternities, whatever you want to call them with people who have your back. If any antifa member does something, FIGHT BACK. Yes, the police are against you, oh well. Gangs have managed for centuries, patriots can manage as well.

In any event, to your specific idea, I think it's fairly futile at this level. I think you're better off joining a Proud Boys chapter and any other organizations within your local community rather than making a website. These sorts of websites are notorious for having joke businesses, scammers, druggies, losers, etc... and the information is never up to date. Look for groups in real life. If there aren't any, start a group and advertise to get members together. Meet in person not on the internet. The people will at least be local and you'll probably get more interaction with less of the antifa firebombing involved.

Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I don't believe in universal suffrage democracy. Someone less informed, less capable, less intelligent and overall an inferior human to me shouldn't get equal say to myself in governing myself. The role of government must be extremely limited and it is way outside its justified realm of power.

You are right that this illusion of legitimacy due to democracy keeps many people satiated. The push of cultural marxism and the egalitarianism plague that has wrought its way into our culture is another product of this by giving people the illusion that each person should have an equal say in governing everyone else. There's a reason dictators still have elections because of how effective these democracies are at deflating the will of the people to rise up against tyranny.

Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, it does feel like things aren't bad enough but it also feels like a slow drain. It's how I imagine black slaves of fairly nice masters who were pretty well off themselves with fairly decent amount of freedom but not true freedom must have felt. Scared of freedom because of the risks involved. The trade-off of risk vs. reward just isn't there, even though slaves we are.

Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

True but in a lot of these cases, there's a personal link. In all honesty, she's small time for the deep state and mostly irrelevant.

Tseliteiv 2 points ago +3 / -1

Interesting take but I think you have the participants mixed up. Soros is on the side of the Jews which is the opposite side of Hitler so Soros is not avenging Hitler at all. Soros is up to the same job that the Jews have been up to for the last century that Hitler tried to prevent.

"When Jews left Judaism they stayed religious but the religion they affirmed tended to be any form of leftism rather than Judaism. This is not a condemnation this is not an insult, it's is a description. Jews have been taught by Judaism to make a better world. That is the message of the prophets. And if they weren't going to do it through monotheism, which is how we're supposed to do it - ethical monotheism (teach the world god is the source of ethics and demands ethical behavior), they did it through secular ideologies. They rejected traditional religiosity so they accepted a new religiosity which was secular. Many people have described Marxism as secular Messianism.

Here is a distributing statistic: the most pro-communist press in the 1930s outside of the soviet union in the United States was the Yiddish Press. Jews took a new religion as a substitute for Judaism and that was, you name it: feminism, environmentalism, Marxism, socialism and for some, even communism. But Jews love isms. Jews are to isms what Italians are to operas. They create new movements and everyone will make this great world. And instead of using their religion that came with being Jewish. And it's a very sad development to me." - Dennis Prager 2013

"Schopenauer once said that the Jew is the master of the lie. He is such an expert on twisting the truth that he can tell his innocent opponent the exact opposite of the truth even on the plainest matter in the world. He does this with such astonishing impudence that the listener becomes uncertain, at which point the Jew has usually won.

The Jews call this chutzpah. Chutzpah is a typically Jewish expression that really cannot be translated into any other language, since chutzpah is a concept found only among the Jews. Other languages have not needed to invent such a word since they do not know the phenomenon. Basically, it means unlimited, impertinent, and unbelievable impudence and shamelessness. As long as we had the doubtful pleasure of having to put up with Jews, we had more then enough examples of the typical Jewish characteristic they call chutzpah. Cowards became heroes and decent, industrious, and brave men became contemptible idiots or fools. Fat and sweaty stockbrokers presented themselves as communists saving the world, and decent soldiers were characterized as beasts. Normal families were mocked as breeding pens, while group marriages were praised as the highest form of human development. The most disgusting junk the human mind could create was presented as great art while real art was ridiculed as Kitsch. The murderer was not guilty, but rather his victim.

It was a system of public deception that, when applied long enough, lames a people both culturally and spiritually and over time strangles any kind of defense. Before National Socialism, Germany was in the midst of such deadly danger. Had our people not come to its senses at the last possible moment, our country would have been ripe for Bolshevism, the most devilish infection the Jews can bring upon a people." - Joseph Goebbels, 1941

"Ideological subversion, what it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country. It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow." - Yuri Bezmenov 1984

"The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread." - Adolf Hitler, 1925

"Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. The stuff in the papers about fraternization is all wet... All that sort of writing is done by Jews to get revenge. Actually the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe." - General George S. Patton, 1945

Reevaluate who your enemies are...

Tseliteiv 7 points ago +7 / -0

His supporters enable this though. Blame Trudeau all you want but if you're in a democracy and the people still vote for you after you do corrupt thing after corrupt thing, why wouldn't you just keep doing corrupt things?

The real problem in Canada is our people who support this. Just today I got into an argument with a liberal who didn't believe there was anything inherently wrong with the government using public funds to pay charities that then paid family members of the Prime Minister. Apparently, as long as the charity did good work then that's fine. That's how absurd our people are in Canada.

Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is very sad.

I wish the media would try to cover the reasons behind cases like this more. What led to a father to killing his two daughters?

Tseliteiv 16 points ago +16 / -0

She is a woman; therefore, she has unlimited value and is a treasure. To suggest that women's allocation of resources in society should be based on their merit as an individual is sexist now. Giving special treatment to someone purely because she's a woman is now not sexist. As I said, the moral subversion of our society is completed. These leftists have no sense of right and wrong anymore and they use words without knowing anything about what those words mean.

Tseliteiv 30 points ago +30 / -0

The worst part is that these women don't even realize they are the ones being sexist. The moral subversion is absolutely complete. We are in the end-game now.

Tseliteiv 4 points ago +4 / -0

I want a mask that says "Close the Borders". It's absolutely perfect because leftists wouldn't know how to compute it.

Tseliteiv 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wait, wait... so hold on... People say close the borders so we can stop importing in cheap labour and instead give jobs to our own people yet it's liberals, like these doctors, who say this is wrong. Now that the tables have turned and it's their jobs on the line all of a sudden hiring foreign labour is bad. What a fucking joke.

I don't fully agree with importing in foreign cheap labour but doctors shouldn't be entirely public, which is the crux of the issue. If we had a multi-payer system then doctors who didn't like what the public sector was paying could simply start their own private sector practice and charge what they feel was fair for their skills.

Tseliteiv 13 points ago +13 / -0

Ahhh, so there it is, capitalism will soon be white supremacy. That was always the goal.

Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

As long as your "controversial' speech pushes the collectivist marxist/leninist/bolsheviks agenda then it's protected.

Tseliteiv 9 points ago +9 / -0

Conservative MPs are too scared to do anything about it and conservative voters are too scared to vote in MPs with strength to combat the left.

Tseliteiv 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn, this needs to be made into a TV show. It would really help deprogramming the next generation.

Tseliteiv 2 points ago +2 / -0

I doubt it. Many of the same people are the ones suggesting GDP is a poor measure of an economy and instead they'd say we're actually doing better in terms of quality of life because our people are happier. Money is just a made up number anyway.

Tseliteiv 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see Zimbabwe is just a couple decades ahead of the western world. In two decades we'll be wondering why after having promoted undeserving trans pansexual binary jokes to leadership roles that our GDP continues to stagnate/decline and our society is crumbling. Instead of waking up to the fact that forced equality is unjust and leads to a worse outcome for society than aligning people's stature in life with their merit, we'll be blaming it all on white people, especially white men, for systematic oppression against incompetent people.

Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

"We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. But while we're here (on the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually." - General George S. Patton

Tseliteiv 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think banking at the retail level is all like this. Canadian banking at the commercial level all appears to be like this. I've heard commercial banking at American banks is still somewhat resistant to the social justice shift. Investment banking at Canadian banks is currently undergoing its transition to social justice but certain pockets are better at resistance than others. This is about the same for American investment banks.

Generally speaking, the better the job, the more resistance to social justice it is because it's not in banks interests to force equality in jobs that actually require competence.

Tseliteiv 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've had a number of people say I should. I'm passionate about politics, economics, philosophy and I'd like to think I have a good outlook on things. I just feel like I'd be beating my head against a wall. I think running a youtube channel might be a better first-step, which I have considered.

Tseliteiv 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nah, this isn't enough anymore. One of the guys who complained to me about this was a gay white male. The issue is that he isn't flamboyant enough. Just being gay isn't enough. You need to be like gay non-binary, flamboyant and constantly talk about your struggles, partake in the gay community and shit out rainbows everywhere you go. One of RBC's top executives just transitioned from male to female at like 55yo+ so to me that indicates he was probably on the chopping block and dropped the trans card to avoid getting fired.This gay guy who complained to me does none of that shit and you'd never know he was gay unless he told you. Our society just promotes terrible behavior. I refuse to behave poorly to get ahead. We need a society that promotes good behavior.

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