Liberty is destroying western civilization at the moment. I realize you're all classical liberals so you may disagree but the degeneracy that's destroying western civilization is rooted in using liberty as an excuse to promote immorality. This immorality leads to decadence.

Most of the problems in western civilization won't be solved by simply shutting down the borders to immigration. We need to go hardline traditional morality and enforce it by the government.

Commerce should be free, small government and low taxes but morality should not be considered subjective. Commerce also shouldn't be free in the sense that the benefits of our production should go to foreigners. We need a major nationalist campaign in Canada.

Libertarianism and total freedom will completely fail because it's that freedom that leftists have been exploiting to degrade the society.


We might as well be China. I feel as if I have 0 say in politics, even at a local level. Canadians are just so misguided when it comes to politics.