I am obese, old, boosted, infected with Covid and spreading it everywhere.
Proud to be an ignorant super spreader!
Just look at my post history folks,
woke = homicidal leftism
I fucking hate Trump
Brainwashing children into non binary mental illness is something we leftists are very proud of
No one should be murdered for their mental illness folks.
Terrible tragedy
I love HAMAS jahidists
They murdered and raped over 400 civilians. YEAH!
Get paralyzed folks so you can spread and get infected with Covid too!
Canadian government admits Covid shots cause paraplegia
Equity means misery and violence for all
As a violent leftist, we support the illegal murderer and we are glad she is dead.
It okay when violent leftists kill DEMOCRACY, threaten and dox Supreme Court judges.
But when rampant election fraud is committed in 5 swing states, simultaneously, at 4am, any Conservative who dares challenge the Leftist Fraud will be jailed, financially ruined, persecuted by the media and by violent mobs.
That’s how we roll folks. ✊🏾🔪
Obesity kills.
But the clot shots kill faster.
I agree.
Why would it not be okay to be white? There is no acceptable answer
If Omega had Reddit moderation, Ultrafucked and TUCHIDIOT would’ve been banned 3 yrs ago.
No bigger echo chamber than Preddit folks! We violent leftists on Reddit ban everyone who doesn’t support child mutilations or Marxism.
Duh! Of course I knew that.
I’m not here to post common sense. Just Marxist propaganda
Folks, I want Trudeau to keep spending your money, zelynski needs $1,000,000,000,000,000,000 of your tax dollars to keep losing his war
I have no clue what dichotomy means, I just copy pasted the comment from Reddit
As violent Leftists, we made up “91” counts against President Trump
I can’t even name one.
Who cares if healthy people died.
Sudden death is mild. It’s a normal side effect.
Can confirm. We violent Leftist are dumb fucks.
Notice how tuchodi sounds mentally retarded folks.
She posts some self-aggrandizing bullshit, then supplies some links that don't support her position, and moves on to pretending she knows stuff while everyone knows she's making it up.
For context, tuchodi supports islamic child rape and supports murdering infidels
Notice how tuchodi sounds mentally retarded folks.
She posts some self-aggrandizing bullshit, then supplies some links that don't support her position, and moves on to pretending she knows stuff while everyone knows she's making it up.
Notice how tuchodi sounds mentally retarded folks.
She posts some self-aggrandizing bullshit, then supplies some links that don't support her position, and moves on to pretending she knows stuff while everyone knows she's making it up.
Notice how tuchodi sounds mentally retired folks
She posts some self-aggrandizing bullshit about being a cash-based rebel, then supplies some links that don't support her position, and moves on to pretending she knows stuff while everyone knows she's making it up.
Facts make is angry. So I downvote facts