Urallfucked 1 point ago +1 / -0


This spoof account really doesn't want you to know that the child rapist has been swindling you idiots with his fake save murica fund that he moves to super pacs so he can pay his extensive legal fees. Sort by new and you'll see the only factual post buried behind layers of caked on bullshit.

Urallfucked 1 point ago +1 / -0


This spoof account really doesn't want you to know that the child rapist has been swindling you idiots with his fake save murica fund that he moves to super pacs so he can pay his extensive legal fees. Sort by new and you'll see the only factual post buried behind layers of caked on bullshit.

Urallfucked -1 points ago +1 / -2

How much have you personally donated to the child rapist? Enough to be in his inner circle and be bestowed upon the great honour of changing his purposefully shat in diapers? You'd better donate more so you can get there, cuck.

Urallfucked -1 points ago +1 / -2

Discussing his forthcoming book, “The Longest Con: How Grifters, Swindlers, and Frauds Hijacked American Conservatism,” slated for release this Tuesday, Conason asserted that Trump is deeply entrenched in a pattern of financial deception.

In conversation with hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, Conason elaborated, “The book outlines how conservatives got to the point where they are milking their own constituents for every penny they can squeeze out of them on false pretenses in almost every case.”

He continued, “The epitome of this, of course, is the former president, who booked a quarter of a billion dollars after the 2020 election by telling people he was going to set up an official election defense fund. And, of course, the money didn’t go to that, but they pulled in hundreds of millions of dollars in two months after the election, and it was going — it ended up in a super PAC that he controls and that he can spend on anything, including, of course, his legal defense, not election defense, his legal defense, his personal legal defense.”

Urallfucked 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hm, you're right. If the most conservative province we have can't do it then no one can.

I'm joking of course, it's because you guys are shit and only know how to cut budgets to funnel money to the people who give them money for campaigning.

Urallfucked -4 points ago +1 / -5

Project 2025 wants to take all control away from you

  1. Complete ban on abortions, without exceptions (pg. 449-503)
  2. End marriage equality (pg. 545-581)
  3. Elimination of unions and worker protections (pg. 581)
  4. Defund the FBI and Homeland Security (pg. 133)
  5. Eliminate federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA, and more (pg. 363-417)
  6. Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in "camps" (pg. 133)
  7. End birthright citizenship (pg. 133)
  8. Cut Social Security (pg. 691)
  9. Cut Medicare (pg. 449)
  10. Eliminate the Department of Education (pg. 319)
  11. Teach Christian religious beliefs in public schools (pg. 319)
  12. Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools (pg. 319)
  13. End the Affordable Care Act (pg. 449)
  14. Ban contraceptives (pg. 449)
  15. Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 1% (pg. 691)
  16. End civil rights & DEI protections in government (pg. 545-581)
  17. Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education (pg. 319)
  18. End climate protections: (pg. 417)
  19. Increase Arctic drilling (pg. 363)
  20. Deregulate big business and the oil industry (pg. 363)
Urallfucked -3 points ago +1 / -4

“Jenna, [between] us, do you know of anyone who complained of gender discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, or sexual harassment, in the 2020 campaign? Do you know if the 2020 campaign settled any lawsuits regarding such?” texts allegedly from Delgado ask. “Yes. Off record—Boris. The campaign settled multiple suits,”

“In other words, the payment would be routed through a middleman, to hide the fact that the Campaign had settled, from the public and the FEC,” Delgado stated in her earlier sworn court declaration. “I thus have direct, personal experience with the Defendant-Campaign hiding settlement payments to women, routing them through a ‘middleman law firm,’ which to the public would only appear as legal services.

Urallfucked -3 points ago +1 / -4

Meaningless projection and darvo. There's only one presidential candidate under scrutiny for violently raping 12 year olds.

Urallfucked -2 points ago +1 / -3


For its study, the Sentencing Project counted life sentences imposed with a chance for parole, sentences of many decades that amount to “virtual life” terms, and life sentences without parole. Life sentences without parole are “virtually unheard of elsewhere in the world,” said Ashley Nellis, the author of the study, and “imprisonment beyond 20 years is a predominantly American phenomenon.” Worldwide, the research found, 83 percent of those serving life without parole are in American prisons. Alaska is the only U.S. state that bans life without parole, the study found

Urallfucked -2 points ago +1 / -3


For its study, the Sentencing Project counted life sentences imposed with a chance for parole, sentences of many decades that amount to “virtual life” terms, and life sentences without parole. Life sentences without parole are “virtually unheard of elsewhere in the world,” said Ashley Nellis, the author of the study, and “imprisonment beyond 20 years is a predominantly American phenomenon.” Worldwide, the research found, 83 percent of those serving life without parole are in American prisons. Alaska is the only U.S. state that bans life without parole, the study found

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

Mark Zuckerberg’s Hawaiian Bunker: Allegations of Land Grab and Evictions Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook), has been embroiled in controversy over his extensive land acquisitions and development plans in Hawaii. In particular, there have been allegations that Zuckerberg used shell companies and legal maneuvering to pressure local residents off their ancestral lands, enabling him to build a sprawling compound that reportedly includes an underground bunker.

The Acquisition of Koolau Ranch Zuckerberg’s involvement in Hawaii began in 2014 when he began purchasing large tracts of land on the island of Kauai. Over the years, he has acquired over 1,600 acres, amassing a property known as Koolau Ranch. The land is located in a remote and environmentally sensitive area, and Zuckerberg’s plans for development have raised concerns among local residents and environmental groups

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

The right love to be simpering cucks to want to hand basic human rights to corporations

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

Garbage comparison. They didn't do continued learning courses and you think that's the same as blatant corruption? Such a dumbass it's amazing you can even breathe unassisted.

Urallfucked -3 points ago +1 / -4


Hey what's your mental gymnastics on your favourite rapist diddling 12 year olds and making them commit lesbian acts?

Urallfucked -2 points ago +1 / -3

Who gives a shit when your diaper diddler raped 12 year olds?


Urallfucked -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're an uneducated dumbass.

Urallfucked -5 points ago +1 / -6

As always every accusation is a confession. "dems cheated" is just another way to excuse the actual literal cheating and fraud that repub electors committed. https://statesuniteddemocracy.org/resources/michigan-fake-electors/

In the weeks leading up to and following the 2020 election, Michigan was a hotbed of misinformation and efforts to undermine nonpartisan election administration. It was also one of seven states at the center of a pressure campaign directed at state legislators and party officials to convince them to install slates of fake electors. As part of that pressure campaign, in mid-November 2020, Trump invited to the White House Michigan’s then-Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-Clark Lake) and then-House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-Levering), who rejected Trump’s overtures and told him they “we were going to follow the law” and that the state legislature would not act to overturn the election results. State and local election officials were also the targets of threats and harassment in the wake of the 2020 election.

In December 2020, groups of Republicans in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin met and signed fake Electoral College certificates—posing as their state’s duly elected presidential electors—in an attempt to falsely declare Trump won the 2020 presidential election.

The Michigan false electors offered their fake certificate as an official public record, submitting their purported Electoral College votes for Trump to Vice President Mike Pence (in his role as the President of the Senate), the Archivist of the United States, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Chief Judge for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. They did so despite a margin of 154,000 votes a series of dismissed or rejected lawsuits, no pending recount, and the state legislature declining to act because of the absence of fraud. Even the location and time information on the forged Electoral College certificate was incorrect, as the fake electors convened secretly in the state GOP’s basement after they were blocked by law enforcement from entering the state capitol.

The fake electors scheme has also been under investigation by officials in other states and the Department of Justice.

Count 1 – Conspiracy to Commit Forgery: The false electors worked together and with other people to forge a certificate of votes with the intent to injure or defraud. This crime is punishable by up to 14 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. MCL § 750.157a and MCL § 750.248. Counts 2 and 3 – Forgery: The false electors each forged a certificate of votes with the intent to injure or defraud. This crime is punishable by up to 14 years in prison. MCL § 750.248. Count 4 – Conspiracy to Commit Uttering and Publishing: The false electors worked together and with other people to publicly claim that the forged certificates were real with the intent to injure or defraud. This crime is punishable by up to 14 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. MCL § 750.157a and MCL § 750.249. Count 5 – Uttering and Publishing: The false electors each publicly claimed that the forged certificates were real with the intent to injure or defraud. This crime is punishable by up to 14 years in prison. MCL § 750.249. Count 6 – Conspiracy to Commit Election Law Forgery: The false electors worked together and with other people to make, file or publish a false document with the intent to defraud. This crime is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $1,000 fine. MCL§ 750.157a and MCL § 168.933a. Counts 7 and 8 – Election Law Forgery: The false electors each made, filed, or otherwise published a false document with the intent to defraud. This crime is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $1,000 fine. MCL § 168.933a.

Urallfucked -2 points ago +1 / -3

MAGA, got a minute?

MAGA, Trump looked you in the eyes and told you the most outrageous lies and foolishly you believed all of them. He took you by the scruff of your neck like a mongrel dog or school child and dragged you along, feeding you lie after lie because he knew you wanted to believe him, and thinks you aren't smart enough to check on him.

He has no respect for the truth, no respect for your country, and certainly no respect for you.

If one of your children lied to you like that -- disrespected, you so -- severe punishment would be at hand. If one of your friends tried to manipulate you with a pack of lies, the friendship would end. If your wife behaved toward you like you were a jackass, and treated you like an idiot for all the world to see, she'd soon be nothing but an unpleasant memory.

Are you really so dumb you believe it is legal in 'Democrat states' to murder an infant? That's what Trump told you Thursday night. In his mind's eye he sees you all goofy-eyed, drooling intellectual dullard, rife with hatred, and accepting his every word and he didn't even blush while doing it.

Wake up, he's turning you against your own country and getting even richer while doing it.

And remember, it won't only be Democrat women who will be denied healthcare, it will be your wives and daughters, too. Remember also, there was a time when all power was returned to the states and black people couldn't vote and gay Americans had no rights, at all.

See this from CNN -- Google each topic if you don't believe it --I dare you!

"Trump’s repeat falsehoods included his assertions that some Democratic-led states allow babies to be executed after birth, that every legal scholar and everybody in general wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, that there were no terror attacks during his presidency, that Iran didn’t fund terror groups during his presidency, that the US has provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has, that Biden for years referred to Black people as “super predators,” that Biden is planning to quadruple people’s taxes, that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 National Guard troops for the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, that Americans don’t pay the cost of his tariffs on China and other countries, that Europe accepts no American cars, that he is the president who got the Veterans Choice program through Congress, and that fraud marred the results of the 2020 election.

Trump also added some new false claims, such as his assertions that the US currently has its biggest budget deficit and its biggest trade deficit with China. Both records actually occurred under Trump.

Trump on abortion policy after Roe v. Wade

Trump repeated his frequent claim that “everybody” wanted Roe v. Wade overturned and the power to set abortion policy returned to individual states.

Facts First: Trump’s claim is false. Poll after poll has shown that most Americans – two-thirds or nearly two-thirds of respondents in multiple polls – wish Roe would have been preserved.

For example, a CNN poll conducted by SSRS in April 2024 found 65% of adults opposed the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe. That’s nearly identical to the result of a CNN poll conducted by SSRS in July 2022, the month after the decision. Similarly, a Marquette Law School poll in February 2024 found 67% of adults opposed the decision that overturned Roe.

A NBC News poll in June 2023 found 61% opposition among registered voters to the decision that overturned Roe. A Gallup poll in May 2023 found 61% of adults called the decision a bad thing.Many legal scholars had also wanted Roe preserved, as several of them told CNN when Trump made a similar claim and said, “all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and, in fact, demanded be ended: Roe v. Wade” in April. “Any claim that all legal scholars wanted Roe overturned is mind-numbingly false,” Rutgers Law School professor Kimberly Mutcherson, a legal scholar who supported the preservation of Roe, said in April. “Donald Trump’s claim is flatly incorrect,” another legal scholar who did not want Roe overturned, Maya Manian, an American University law professor and faculty director of the university’s Health Law and Policy Program, said in April. Trump’s claim is “obviously not” true, said Mary Ziegler, a law professor at the University of California, Davis, who is an expert on the history of the US abortion debate. Ziegler, who also did not want Roe overturned, said in an April interview: “Most legal scholars probably track most Americans, who didn’t want to overturn Roe. … It wasn’t as if legal scholars were somehow outliers.”

It is true that some legal scholars who support abortion rights wished that Roe had been written differently; the late liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of them. But Ziegler noted that although “there was a cottage industry of legal scholars kind of rewriting Roe – ‘what Roe should’ve said’ — that isn’t saying Roe should’ve been overturned. Those are very different things.”

Trump on Democrats killing babies “after birth”

Trump repeated his frequent claim that Democrats will kill babies in the “eighth month, the ninth month of pregnancy, or even after birth.” Trump pointed to the former Virginia governor’s support of a bill that would loosen restrictions on late-term abortions as an example.

Trump also said later in the debate that some “Democrat-run” states allow babies to be killed after birth.

Facts First: Trump’s claim about Democrats killing babies after birth is nonsense; that is infanticide and illegal in all 50 states. A very small percentage of abortions happen at or after 21 weeks of pregnancy.

According to data published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 0.9% of reported abortions in 2020 occurred at 21 weeks or later. (Many of these abortions occur because of serious health risks or lethal fetal anomalies.) By contrast, 80.9% of reported abortions in 2020 were conducted before 10 weeks, 93.1% before 14 weeks and 95.8% before 16 weeks. Former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, voiced support for a state measure that would significantly loosen restrictions on late-term abortions when the fetus was not viable. Northam was not talking about infanticide. There are some cases in which parents decide to choose palliative care for babies who are born with deadly conditions that give them just minutes, hours or days to live. That is simply not the same as killing a baby.

Trump on his previous comments about US military members killed in action

Trump denied that he had used the words “suckers” or “losers” to describe members of the US military who had been killed in action, after Biden pointed to the remarks to criticize his predecessor’s record for veterans.

Biden touted his visit to a World War I cemetery, where he said Trump “refused to go” and told a four-star general it’s because “they’re a bunch of losers and suckers.”

Trump claimed the remark was “made up” by Biden.

Facts First: The Atlantic magazine, citing four unnamed sources with “firsthand knowledge,” reported in 2020 that on the day Trump canceled a visit to a military cemetery in France where US troops who were killed in World War I are buried, he had told members of his senior staff, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” The magazine also reported that in another conversation on the same trip, Trump had referred to marines who had been killed in the region as “suckers.” John Kelly, who served as Trump’s White House chief of staff and secretary of Homeland Security, has said on the record that in 2018 Trump did use the words “suckers” and “losers” to refer to servicemembers who were killed in action. Kelly told CNN anchor Jim Sciutto for Sciutto’s 2024 book that Trump would say: “Why do you people all say that these guys who get wounded or killed are heroes? They’re suckers for going in the first place, and they’re losers.” There is no public recording of Trump making such remarks, so we can’t definitively call Trump’s denial false. But the account of Trump’s comments does not solely rest on unnamed sources from the article in The Atlantic.

Trump on politicians using the term “super predators”

Trump claimed that Biden called Black people “super predators” for a decade in the 1990s.

“What he’s done to the Black population is horrible, including the fact that for 10 years he called them ‘super predators’ – in the 1990s – we can’t forget that,” Trump said.

Facts First: Trump’s claim is false. Biden never publicly deployed the phrase “super predators” or endorsed the criminological theory behind it (which held that there was a new breed of highly and remorselessly violent young offenders). Biden did, however, refer to “predators on our streets” who were “beyond the pale” while promoting the 1994 crime bill.

As reported by CNN’s KFILE in 2019, Biden said in a 1993 Senate floor speech in support of the crime bill that “we have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created.” And he urged the government to focus on the people he said were in danger of becoming “the predators 15 years from now” if their lives weren’t changed – “the cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally … have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity.” But Biden did not speak of “super predators.” Four years later, in a 1997 hearing, he noted that the vast majority of youth criminal cases involved nonviolent offenses and said, “When we talk about the juvenile justice system, we have to remember that most of the youth involved in the system are not the so-called super predators.” It was Trump’s opponent in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton, who affirmatively used the phrase “super predators” as she argued in support of the 1994 crime bill (in 1996). She said in 2016 that she shouldn’t have used that language. Trump wrote in a 2000 book that he supported tougher sentencing and street policing and warned of “wolf packs” of young criminals roaming the streets – and he cited a since-discredited statistical analysis that was linked to the “super predator” theory.

Trump falsely claims Iran “had no money for Hamas” during his presidency

Trump claimed that when he was president, Iran “had no money for Hamas” and no money “for terror.”

“Do you wanna know why? Because Iran was broke with me. I wouldn’t let anybody do business with them. They ran out of money. They were broke,” he said. “They had no money for Hamas, they had no money for anything. No money for terror. That’s why you had no terror, at all, during my administration. This place, the whole world is blowing up under him.”

Facts First: Trump’s claim that Iran had “no money for Hamas” and “no money for terror” during his presidency is false. Iran’s funding for such groups did decline in the second half of his presidency, in large part because his sanctions on the country had a major negative impact on the Iranian economy, but the funding never stopped entirely, as four experts told CNN earlier this month.

Trump’s own administration said in 2020 that Iran was continuing to fund terror groups including Hezbollah. The Trump administration began imposing sanctions on Iran in late 2018, pursuing a campaign known as “maximum pressure.” But Trump-appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said himself in 2020 that Iran was continuing to fund terror groups. “So you continue to have, in spite of the Iranian leadership demanding that more money be given to them, they are using the resources that they have to continue funding Hezbollah in Lebanon and threatening the state of Israel, funding Iraqi terrorist Shia groups, all the things that they have done historically – continuing to build out their capabilities even while the people inside of their own country are suffer

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