Weremoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Arkansan here. We're one of Texas's little brothers but if you tell them I said that I'll tell my big bro to beat you up.

Texas is good because of three things:

  1. Money - the Texas oil boom produced a lot of new money and drew in a lot of old money.

  2. Space. People generally don't live on top of each other which makes getting along a lot easier. It also preserves conservatism by eroding groupthink. Houston is the least dense city over a certain size in the world I think. Definitely in the country.

  3. Christianity and its values remain strong. In part because the space allows people to think for themselves so they aren't mocked into disbelieving what the crowd wants them to disbelieve. Whether you believe it Christ or not, there's no question that the system His religion created works.