Zef_Wookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

He must have died from long covid that he caught while isolating at home, wearing a mask outdoors and alone in his car, and testing his kids daily. It's the antivaxxers fault for creating a strain that is only deadly to the 12x boosted!

Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

You think 4 million people died of chicken pox every year before they made a vaccine in the 90s? It was 150 according to a quick search. Even if some do save lives and help some people, there's no need for them to be mixed with toxic ingredients, given in high doses to newborns, or forced on people for diseases they aren't at high risk for. Also no need for a holier than thou attitude just because you have a different opinion than others and think you're more right. There's no such thing as right, everything is a matter of perspective. I'm sure your opinion would change if you got a debilitating disease from a vaccine you took to prevent something like chicken pox.