The COVID epidemic curve is already starting to flatten. People just don't know it yet because the "daily cases" that they report in the mainstream media every day are not actually daily cases. They just report the net change in the cases daily. A lot of these newly discovered cases were infections that happened well into the past. Cases are a very laggy indicator to begin with. And hospitalization and death data is even more of a laggy indicator for obvious reasons.

Case data is so laggy that I suspect people don't immediately go to get tested after they first show symptoms. In fact a lot of people never bother to get tested. Because why the fuck would you unless you live with or come into contact with vulnerable people?

If you look at the April 25 .csv report from Ontario today, the 7-day epidemic curve peak is showing to be April 5th-11th. If you look at the April 20 .csv report from Ontario, 5 days ago, the epidemic curve is showing to be... April 5th-11th. And the same is true for all the .csv reports from April 21, 22, 23 and 24 as well. Six reports in a row. And it's April 25th right now. We're getting more sunshine. The seasons are changing. In 2020, the epidemic curve peaked on April 10-16. You'd expect a similar pattern to emerge this year.


In the past 55 days (MuH vArIaNtS) (I check the Peel dashboard and write down the figures by age group periodically and they don't save old data in the dashboard) the case-hospitalization rate of 20-29 year olds in peel is 0.44%. Imagine rolling a dice 229 times. Each roll of the dice is a COVID case. In one of those 229 rolls you're going to end up in the hospital if you are 20-29.

Apparently she's having trouble breathing and she's receiving oxygen. Sounds like she's in acute care. An ICU admission for her age group is super rare. She's not obese. Though apparently she doesn't eat fruits and vegetables. But isn't that most 20-somethings? Maybe she just has really shitty luck. Or there's shit about coronaviruses that our dumb ass scientists don't understand after living with these viruses for millions of years. Like I said, roll a dice 229 times. And you end up in the hospital one of those times. Or it could just be that my niece or sibling made the story up to scare me into taking the vaccine. Who knows.

In my age group the case-hospitalization rate was 1.15% during the same time period. My odds are 164% worse than someone a decade younger than me. But still pretty damn good. I suspect the vast majority of that 1.15% are obese. The proportion of landwhales my age on POF and Tinder is far higher than 1.15% after all.

I suspect it's possible that my niece's friend started hyperventilating with anxiety after she found out she had SARS-CoV-2. I remember one time being so anxious upon hearing some really bad news that I started having chills. The mind plays tricks on you.

Now even if this were true and this healthy 24 year old is struggling to breathe with COVID, once again, why the fuck hasn't ThE sCiEnCe figured out what's leading a small percentage of supposedly young healthy people into the hospital? Why are the scientists keeping us from being informed about all the health risks? Instead they just want all of us to be afraid and take the vaccine.


Clothing is non-essential. I saw it all taped off with yellow caution tape with a piece of paper explaining that non-essential items can't be sold. Gift cards taped down too. So I can't buy a Google Play or Uber gift card with cash. I must use a Visa or Mastercard to fund these things.

The Ben & Jerry's ice cream and the Fudgee-O Double Stuf I bought last night is essential though even though this stuff makes you vulnerable to COVID (as well as Type II diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc.) if you don't eat it in moderation. 4/20 Munchies are essential. The cheesecake is essential in Doug Ford's Ontario but I didn't get any.

Never once in the past 13 months have I seen a PSA from Dr. Theresa Tam, Dr. David Williams, Dr. Eileen de Villa, Dr. Lawrence Loh, Doug Ford, etc. that obesity increases your risk of COVID hospitalization or even death substantially. And that people should lower their caloric intake, exercise (they close the gyms and they tried to close the parks and playgrounds), get Vitamin D, sunshine, etc. to reduce their COVID risk. Instead people have been expected to avoid other people for the past 13 months to stop the spread of COVID-19.

wE ArE AlL In tHiS ToGeThEr! (www.ontariosunshinelist.com)
posted ago by baizuocuck ago by baizuocuck
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