Holy fuck boys, I don’t have my calculator with me but I see over a billion dollars
There was calls to shut down Saskatchewan because they posted a RECORD HIGH 78 new infections. 78 - such a big number! So scary.
He says that while fanning the flames of political division.
you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.
Is that a threat? It sure sounds that way.
In Calgary the same city council that made masks mandatory was the same city council that removed fluoride from the water because they decided that the city shouldn’t be deciding health matters for its citizens.
This is asking for a riot. The foreign army is already inside of france’s cities.
They look like they’ve been told they’re going to be shelled for a false flag.
How many won’t survive? In Alberta we’ve had more opioid deaths then Covid deaths. People are loosing everything and giving up. Suicides are up and it’s going to get worse once winter is here to stay.
Trump has to have a dead hand ready to declassify everything should the election be stolen.
It’s all fun and games until you get run over by someone who got their drivers licence from their buddy’s truck driving school.
Trans toddlers? You’re waiting until their born to transition them? In vitro transgender Babis is all the rage.
The only time I have ever seen a good tattoo was on a Korean War vet and it was his regimental insignia.
Alberta has Calgary and Edmonton. Both cities have safe NDP seats, both cities have gay parades and city councils that are one step away from blowing dudes on the front steps as a sign of solidarity.
Thursday is a vaccine booster every 6 months to keep caught up to the mutations.
Friday is a vaccination passport to ensure that only those who are up to date are allowed out of their homes.
The “richest” man in the world would be Jeff Bezos at some 200 billion. Of course most of that is tied up in stock and selling a lot of stock would crash the price. Now assuming he could get full market value for his stock, and sharing it equally among all Americans, it’s $600 per person. That’s it. If you try to eat the rich you’ll find there’s not enough meat on their bones for everyone.
I don’t know if a republican administration would take us though. Alberta isn’t that conservative. Most of the population lives in Calgary and Edmonton, lots of “conservatives” loathe Trump and the Republican Party, and the NDP has reliable seats in both cities. Rural Alberta is biased as fuck and would fit in no problem, but that’s not where the power lies any more.
Fat fingered it again!
Toronto centre and it’s a dead heat between the conservatives and the liberals?
Lawnmowers are 4 stroke and it would be harder to ban them. But 2 stroke engines are standard for anything that you hold since a 2 stroke is typically lighter. The big target is leaf bowers since they’re loud and obnoxious, but it would also go after hedge trimmers, weed wackers, chain saws, and any other light portable equipment any good landscaper would have.
They’re actually going to talk about it. Surprised.
They could theoretically outlaw 2 stroke oil mix making fuel unusable with small engines.
I think there’s a 5th, it’s those that are so clueless to how the world really works.
The college kids pushing this crap think they’ll be high ranking party officials running the show, and not the labourers that work 16 hours a day and dont get enough calories.
People will realize that there’s more commoners then there are government officials.