blacksmith64 -4 points ago +1 / -5

"they are literally violating rights by denying you entry if you have a medical condition."

Nope. Public health emergencies trump so called "personal rights".

"But if the government removes that choice without sufficient justification,"

156 thousand deaths in the US due to Covid and just under 9 thousand in Canada not enough justification for you? I won't even mention those that survived and have lasting damage due to the virus... All I hear when people like you say this is; "the biggest injustice is my minor and temporary inconvenience. People getting sick and dying be damned."

blacksmith64 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was abused as a child by a catholic priest, and I can assure you, I've never abused a child. The very thought is abhorrent to me. If there is a punishment severe enough for pedophiles, I have yet to hear it.

blacksmith64 -4 points ago +1 / -5

Exactly. I know it's unpopular with the "muh freedumbs" crowd here, but it really is not just a courtesy thing, every credible, peer-reviewed study shows that when mask rules are relaxed, cases go up. When mask rules are adhered to, they go down. Every. Single. Time.

blacksmith64 -3 points ago +1 / -4

" go into a store and when they ask you to wear a mask, state calmly that you have a medical condition and you are not under any obligation to disclose what it is "

And then throw a tantrum when they exercise their right not to serve you?