chaletschuss3467 7 points ago +8 / -1

That's a fair point, but you also can't prove the opposite - that the vaccine didn't cause the miscarriages. In less than two minutes on the VAERS website I found over 10 reported miscarriages from second or third trimesters with reports of healthy pre-vaccine ultrasounds. And that's just what I found in two minutes. Vaccine injuries are also grossly underreported.

There is also no date on the effect of the vaccine on the unborn child - it's all a massive live experiment. Gene therapy on the unborn, sure why not let's see what happens. Why the F** not.

chaletschuss3467 4 points ago +4 / -0

wish there was some way more people could learn about the PPC. SO many brainwashed Canadians. Will vote for Cons brainwashed to think they hold their values, when in reality they would align far more closely to the PPC

chaletschuss3467 12 points ago +12 / -0

"For whatever reason" -> only reason PPC is seen a extremist is brainwashing from MSM. It's hilarious, there is not a single policy on their platform that is remotely even close to extremist.

At this point, with the way the Tool is going, the Cons are as left as the Liberals. They are basically the same. They are going to lose a lot of votes from conservatives who have not been brainwashed. (Side note: It's kinda fun - look at any comments on the Tool's instagram page - all negative and pro PPC. Bernier, Pollievre, Hillier, Sloan have close to and/or more followers than the Tool does anyway.)

The CPC is more rino than GOP. By principle alone, I could never vote Con again in Canada. Just couldn't bring myself to it. I agree with everything on the PPC platform, do not align with CPC platform at all, and when in power they will prove to be just as incompetent as the liberals, only difference is media will just hold them accountable. I know a lot of people with the exact same view as me. Things are changing, very slowly. I agree, in the impossible scenario that Cons would win (they won't), it will be their last win.

chaletschuss3467 5 points ago +5 / -0

if I remember correctly, I think 2013/14 was the year they made up the "polar vortex" label - or at least the first year I was aware of it (the ice storm year in Toronto). They call every "cold snap" a polar vortex now - heck I saw the term applied to a high of like -7 in Toronto this year lol just typical medial sensationalism, but it is an interesting study of how easily brainwashed sheeple are, even when it comes to weather

chaletschuss3467 6 points ago +6 / -0

haha no one takes the left seriously anymore, just you and your charming legacy media no one watches. More people watch Steven Crowder than CNN at prime time lol. Enjoy your false perceptions. You may find yourself whining a hell of a lot more when you start to notice your freedoms stripping away or when the economy tanks give it a couple of years. Maybe you've never lived in a communist country, or don't have family who have. Try talking to someone who has, you'll learn a lot. Meanwhile I'll keep fighting the good fight against government overreach. (And btw I'm more libertarian than I am conservative, so don't really fall on any spectrum).

chaletschuss3467 3 points ago +3 / -0

When will Alberta give a giant FU to the feds and just stop paying equalization. What would happen? Honestly nothing, Canada can't lose Alberta. I've never understood why Alberta puts up with the crap???

chaletschuss3467 7 points ago +7 / -0

You are 100% correct. Born in Canada myself, last 10 years there has been a sig decline in many things - from economy to freedoms. Though I doubt the UK is any better - in fact, based on what I read, it sounds like the UK is even more cucked? What would your assessment be?

chaletschuss3467 8 points ago +8 / -0

A lot has changed in the last 10 years. In fact, this is something I comment on a lot. The entire PC woke culture exploded in the last 10 years. I graduated University just before it all began, sure there was some crap going around, but nothing compared to today. With the woke crap comes everything else. The brainwashing, death of real journalism, outright MSM propaganda, branding anyone against the narrative as a crazy conspiracy theorist, degradation of free speech, hated of whites and Christians etc. All of that has accelerated enormously in the last 10 years. Not to mention since Trudope, suffocating debt, destruction of Canadian business and industries, reliance on China and other countries, complete sell out of Canada to China. In the last 10 years my life HAS changed a lot in Canada - I no longer truly have free speech (I don't feel safe sharing my opinions to many, would be fired at work if I did - and they aren't crazy opinions, just counter narrative), sig higher taxes (carbon tax as well), sig higher cost of living, cancel culture, propaganda everywhere etc.

chaletschuss3467 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great. Can Wexit get some more steam? Split the country - those that value freedom, and those that wish to have the government "protect| and control them.

chaletschuss3467 3 points ago +3 / -0

YES! Disgusts me. Done with a holier-than-thou, I'm more sophisticated/smarter/superior than you smugness

chaletschuss3467 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's a tough one. Could either completely rip up the conservative party and replace with good, based politicians, have Max as the leader (he should have beat Sheer, so sad). Or have a full migration to PPC of conservatives. Both options seem impossible in this country.

chaletschuss3467 6 points ago +6 / -0

Shit. I try to fight going full on alarmist, dooms day, but man this is one of the more terrifying things I've seen in Canada. Where and when does this end?

chaletschuss3467 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't know a single white supremacist. I don't know of, or if any, white supremacists organizations exist (and if they do - ick). But if there are any - they should donate to the liberals, two can play this game. Or create a fake group and donate to the liberals.

chaletschuss3467 3 points ago +3 / -0

What can we actually do about this mess? How can we 1. Get O'Tool to resign or 2. Organize a mass migration to the PPC? I am willing to get on the ground and work, we have to do something!!

chaletschuss3467 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can we get rid of O'Tool? Is there any avenue at all to do so? Petition? I wish all CPC members could migrate to PPC but that will never happen. So much brainwashing among conservatives in Canada.