hahaha. got it. thx.
Hey! Wasn't this asshole the one that started with all the "free trade" agreements, eventually leading to our economy being hollowed out, in favour Chinese expansion? That's just worked out fucking great, hasn't it?!! I seem to recall a shady cash handover this snake managed to wriggle out of.
Holy shit, frens. Too many tabs open - this comment was supposed to go under the Brian Mulroney meme. Will repost it there. Sorry if I sounded like a moron.
I concur. The media is Ass Ho. BTW, I'm newish here - what does the "[S]" behind your handle signify?
Hey! Wasn't this asshole the one that started with all the "free trade" agreements, eventually leading to our economy being hollowed out, in favour Chinese expansion? That's just worked out fucking great, hasn't it?!!
CCP, or CPC, or whatever, ffs - you know what I mean.
How did I forget to mention D. Rep Eric Swallowswell, primary target of FF.
Yup. Ford always has that deer-in-the-headlights look about him. My guess is a combination of not really understanding the global grift, and also that maybe he got caught in a honey-trap, either underage kid on video, and/or bribery corruption schemes and is compromised. He has major conflicts of interest with his family's PPE and barrier products business also. Look at how the CPP and Fang Fang have been going Bang Bang with municipal mayors up and down the blue coasts of the US. I'd guess they're busy doing the same here. Doctors are being pressured by the Ontario College of Physicians & S|urgeons to go along with whatever woke shit is pushed out, because the COVID and the CRT woke shit are all part of the overall grift.
What?! Retarded. Deal with the grift on first principles. 1. No evidence can be found that proves they've isolated a new "virus" called Covid19. 2. The PCR "test" is a massive fraud, and is being employed to scare the shit out of everyone with "cases" . 3. Trillion dollar markets being created for new "vaccines" for new "viruses" Put 1-2-3 together and it 'taint hard to figure out.