I just found their email on the OLA website and wrote them an email about how I won't be voting for them (wasn't gonna vote PC anyways but they don't have to know that) because of lockdowns and everyone else I know won't either (my mpp is conservative, at least not liberal or ndp). I said that the only way to win back my vote was to open up 100% immediately with no ifs ands or buts. I'm sure it won't do anything, but if we all give our MPPs a little reminder that we're the ones that ensure they keep their jobs it might do something.


Now that it's becoming increasingly clear that provincial governments are going to try and our freedoms at needlepoint, there of course will be a lot of pressure to vaccinate. The only thing is, a lot of people who were indifferent to lockdowns/masks/etc. will NOT take the vaccine. Vaccines have been a rather controversial subject for a few years, even before COVID. I suspect we will see something similar to America. The rates will steadily rise while all the uninformed boomers and COVID cultists get theirs, but then the rates will plateau. Cue the increased vaccination pressure, civil unrest, etc. My bet is once the first shot is fired at Queen's Park by some thug from Jane & Finch is the second this whole farce is over in Ontario.


My mom is forcing me to get the vaccine (she's threatening to kick me out and not pay for tuition) and, although I'd prefer to not get it at all I would like to avoid the mRNA vaccines at all cost. Is it possible for me to get any of the other ones? I know they have their issues, but that's in the short term, I'm more concerned about the potential long term ramifications of mRNA.


Now that the weather's getting nicer, I've been going mountain biking pretty much every weekend. Every time I go, people are there in large groups riding together, and sessioning features. Most people bring a friend too (myself included). Me and my buddy ran into a couple other cool guys a couple weeks ago and rode with them for the whole day, no distancing, masks or bullshit.

So hopefully this can provide a little glimmer of hope to you guys.

Most Canadians know this is bullshit but don't want to say anything.


Ever since this bullshit mask mandate started I've been wearing one just to avoid conflict and due to social pressure (high school is a bitch). People in my classes have gone so far as to say that people who don't wear the muzzle should be imprisoned, and my teacher agreed with them. I need to go pick up some shit from Walmart today and I'm not fucking wearing it anymore. Anybody who gives me any trouble can suck my dick. I've known that this was a fraud all along and I've never been more miserable, it's completely ruined my Junior and Senior year. After seeing the mandatory quarantine and ever more draconian measures I've decided that I've had enough. Fuck commie-loving Trudeau and fuck cum-guzzling fat pig Doug Ford.

Update: Just got back from the store, went fine. All I had to do was say I had an exemption and nobody had a problem. Did get a lot of weird looks though.