gosso_king 1 point ago +1 / -0

Muh, spanish flu!!! Fuck off please. Did you even read the article you posted? Swedens poptulation is more then double now compared to 1918. Absolute death numbers aren't relevant unless framed against the total population.

It doesn't matter that others locked down.

Sweden, Belarus, large parts of Africa, Florida, North & South Dakota, Georgia.

They disprove the need for absolute lockdowns.

All have proved you can do, at the very least, no worse then others with no harsh lockdowns.

Spain is still higher per capita deaths then Sweden.

But sure go ahead advocate for locking people in their homes for months, destroying any semblance of personal responsibility, economic prosperity, and handing over absolute power to government officials.

All to save people from a virus where the average age of death is greater then regular life expectancy.

Hope that boot leather tastes good.

gosso_king 0 points ago +1 / -1

Just skip over the case and daily deaths then you fucking space slice.

Hospitals are slammed during any bad flu season because capacity is planned for the average year.

Sweden has made it this far with minimal restrictions.

Not even in the top 10 for deaths per capita


Belgium, Italy, Spain, UK all above them. All have had multiple extremely restrictive lock downs.

Lockdowns are ineffective.

gosso_king 1 point ago +1 / -0

This happens during every bad flu season. They're also testing hospital workers which we normally would not due for flu. This puts an additional burden on the system due to the requirement to self isolate if a positive test comes back.

Daily cases and deaths peaked in December https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/

The new regulations are still based on personal responsibility https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/the-public-health-agency-of-sweden/communicable-disease-control/covid-19/regulations-and-general-guidelines/

At least do some basic fucking research.

gosso_king 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sweden is doing fine. Their second surge peaked and wasn’t above a normal bad flu season. All without any lockdowns.

gosso_king 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope Adam can keep this going.

If Adam could get about a dozen businesses to coordinate with him they could open staggered through the day. This would overwhelm the city!

The Toronto police service just committed about 100 officers to one location. They can’t keep this up.

Re open with minimal notice. Stay open for an hour or so until the city commits resources. Then have everyone move to the next location.