justiniana 4 points ago +4 / -0

anyone notice how covid restrictions seem to move in lockstep with people noticing how it is more and more like communist china here?

fear gives the government power.

We are the true north strong and free

70,000 soldiers. 70,000 police.

we are reasonable people. We have put up with a lot.

maybe it is time 35 million canadians used their brains and asked our politicians some hard questions.

15,000 covid deaths with 35,000,000 canadians. No more flu.

of those deaths, 10,000 are over the age of 60. So, for 5,000 dead we have destroyed canada's entire economy. Notice how the government also is not giving you money. Making you completely dependant on them for everything.

So, you know what china wants.

Now, you need to decide what you want canada to be.

You want change, call an election.

Demand a clean transparent election. engage in politics.

engage in freedom.

remember, you are literally dooming our civilization by not taking action.

education. what is really going on? you guys ever trust your politicians? they are usually terrible businessmen. as you can see from the direction they are taking the country.

Meanwhile, big tech and amazon and the tv/brainwashing machine is making tons of money. forcing you to buy stuff that all comes from, you guessed it, china. and the media advertising you all that chinese stuff. at least you are getting a deal!

my fellow canadians, it is time to ask some tough questions and find the truth of what is really going on in this country before it is too late.

in england, people are now going to be masked, locked down, and can not speak to each other when going outside.

the only speech allowed is on the internet, where you can be monitored and controlled.

Do not succumb to fear. Be brave. find your answers. the picture is very clear what is going on, and running away, and not confronting it, will doom us all to communism.

talk to your neighbors. figure out what is really going on.

Manifest the world you want to live in.

The true north, strong and free