On March 17, a 40-year-old activist livestreamed videos on Facebook in which he spoke about his political grievances, doused himself in gasoline, self-immolated and stabbed himself.
He was Tasered by police but died at the hospital. Ontario’s Special Investigation Unit investigated the incident but closed the file a month later.
Uh... Wtf
Nothing wrong with quarantineing sick people.
I had no problem with masks until they became mandatory.
You'll be happy... Or else!
I had to stop watching, but it's surprising how much AJ gets correct.
He already sucks. The whole interview was him bitching.
Landfills are cheap and endless. Put stuff in there and who cares how many years it takes to break down. And pollution of the oceans is coming from India and China anyway.
It looks bad.
I used to be a NFA member, never heard of CCFR. I'll have to check them out before I renew.
Who is better? NFA or CCFR?
Is Quebec a real place? I'm starting to think it's just a meme.
I was going to say cover her face
Ja makin me crazy.
The block button works for you?
Anyone who doubts this needs to travel more.
Sounds like a leftie.