Never gotten a reddit permasuspension before, although I managed to build up dozens of alts over the years due to my need to argue with Canadian leftists online yet getting banned from subreddits over and over.

  1. I got fucking permasuspended on one account a few days ago for my conduct in the Flames/Stars game topic. Just for talking like... you know... how real hockey players and fans talk to each other in real life. Calling a player a dipsy doodling faggot is banworthy yet that's exactly how they talk. Whatever. Onto 2.

  2. I don't know WHAT comment it was in the CPC election thread, but one of them that I made got my main and all 22 of my alt accounts IP banned. I actually didn't curse or anything, I was being purposefully cordial. It was strictly because I must have just said how I want X candidate to win because of Y position (guns/immigration/social justice/etc.).

CUCK city. I'm happy to have no choice now but to go back to smaller discussion forums like how the web used to be in 2000-2010ish.