Free trade with corrupt third world dumps was a scam by our elites for them to profit of cheap outsourced labour at the expense of the working middle class. The only free trade pacts you should pursue are with developped countries with whom you have strong alliances with.
Don't be fooled..if the professor in question was an Anglophone, he would not give the slighest fuck.
The obesity rate in Canada is over 60%
Why aren’t we mandating that everyone works out for one hour every day to get these fat fucks healthy if we’re so concerned about “public health”? That would save more lives than this
“Where your mask!”
This is why Democracy is flawed, it’s based on whatever the biggest amount of retards want.
Whenever the Left goes apeshit, it's cause for celebration.
Mainstream media and silicon valley rig elections for the Left constantly, obviously the Left has no integrity or morals so they don't care.
Based, now he just needs to annex Canada.
The CPC is the controlled opposition, pure and simple.
Don't worry comrade, it will all be over soon
76, that's almost as much as the number of scandals he's been engaged in!
Fucking Pussy
Don’t they know that’s Racist?
Virtue signalling, plain and simple.
Imagine voting for this old fart
The Liberals are winning a majority whenever the next election is, Canada is in the toilet, and that will be the final flush.
Another white supremacist
Yeah, anti-white systemic racism
Fuck Quebec
Fagmeet can suck my dick, he is purely Trudeau’s controlled opposition. The NDP is not a principled party, they are a faction of the Liberal party who doesn’t want to have the corrupt Liberal stink on them.
It just never stops.
"It was to save jobs!"
Bought and paid for media.
I think a big part of it is that Canadians are notoriously insecure and obsessed with claiming to be morally superior to the US, as long as you can frame whatever our government does as better than whatever the US does (whether it's true or not)..the average Canadian buys it.
I hope we see Biden have an aneurysm tonight