Someone shared a link about unions on that site, and seriously, what the fuck. It's clownworld politics with softcore pictures of underage models and stories aimed at children.

They should just call it grooming weekly. I bet there's an Epstein connection. Any autists want to run that lead down?

Now that we know the use of the term "master's degree" is racist, let's make sure we don't hire anyone who has one because they are necessarily both racist, and SJWs. Don't even interview them, because they can claim discrimination if they know you know they are oppression olympians.

We can reclaim companies from these freaks by pitching CV's that have a master's degree on them. STEM may be an exception, but they probably had to go through a struggle session to graduate, so buyer beware.


I was going to Google it but then I thought, fuck it, if I don't know, that's a bigger problem for them than it is for me.


Anyone who has studied racism knows that it is a political tactic of totalitarian movements, and merely putting "anti-" in front of it does not change its role, meaning, or tactics.

What you don't know or hear about is that entire government divisions have been submitting themselves to struggle sessions and setting up review systems that promote the new race-agenda. If you don't believe me, ask anyone who works in a large organization about "anti-black racism training."

These race-agenda people have infiltrated government and every institution, and they are building a new network of gatekeepers and police for the redistribution of all power to movement members who identify themselves by using their wokester language. If you do not use the same language as these people, you will be socially isolated, attacked with some scandal claim, and replaced with a member of their movement. This is exactly how it will happen.

The next step will be the purges, where people will be encouraged to denounce their co-workers for un-woke thoughts and behaviours. They will go after the most logical and reasonable people first, because we are the ones with influence and who are natural leaders, and we are also the ones with the confidence and intelligence to call out bullshit. This isn't about being reasonable for them, this is about locating and destroying reasonable opposition. They need crazytown people, because hysterics are not a threat to their movement. Good men are, and they will come for you first.

How do you fight it? Reach out to straight men in your organization and form an informal network that does not use any corporate electronic communication that can be monitored by the wokesters in HR who will be mapping networks and disrupting them. The most reliable guys will be obvious Christians, and even if you are not, they are the guys you need to connect with. Set up your own private co-worker discord, slack, wickr, signal group with aliases and only invite people who have been vetted by two others on it. Keep it secret, ban bitching on it and the one rule is don't be a liability to other guys, and if you make a bad vetting decision, "officially" disband it then reform it without the weak link person.

This movement has declared war on us, and by us I mean men capable of having families. Don't argue with them, they just create conflict as a way to disconnect you from your peers. Learn how to gaslight, and gaslight the fuck out of them. Their main tactic is to exploit your civility and agreeableness. Know the difference between being "nice," and being a sucker. Or just know that they are the same thing.

  • If someone uses the word "problematic," take them out of your circle of trust.
  • If they ask you for a status report, always make it conditional on them providing something first because provoking you by transgressing normal rules is how they will hustle you into a conflict.
  • They will use 1:1 meetings to make up conflict to isolate you, avoid these, or at least record them.
  • Take notes of everything and be the person who keeps meeting minutes.

What these new wokesters do not have is skill. Their weakness is that they can't build, they can't make, and they can't operate. They understand one thing, which is how to create conflict, scandals, and gossip. Do not teach them your job or how you make things, do not share your methods, your data, your spreadsheets, your code, or hand over the means to replace you. Cut them out of the loop, and provide results, never sources.

Above all, find straight guys who are physically fit and get his back, and recognize when guys get yours. You never expected how shitty these people can be because you are not raised to be a piece of shit. These people think they don't have to be good people because they think their cause justifies them, and they will reward each other for doing horrible shit you don't expect.

Draw a line in your mind between yourself and these people, and do not let them cross it. They are zombies at the wall trying to get through and either destroy you, or make you an example to others as a way to instill fear and terror and seem stronger than they are. They are only as strong as you believe they are.

As they used to say on the TV, winter is coming boys. Get ready.


They literally think they should be compensated for their feelings.


I've read about the history of European imperialism in Africa and the origins of racial thinking and racism, but what I don't get is what things these new wokesters think of as uniquely "white."

Are there sources for being against values like, "honesty," "loyalty," "fair dealing," "integrity," "responsibility," "competence," "family," "hard work," "rules," and others that you see tweets about?

People can hold these values without being white, not all white people hold them, and people who don't hold these values are basically considered animals in every culture they live in (e.g. "white trash", barbarians/criminals, etc.) What's something uniquely "white," that they have a problem with?


The signs have been back out in the streets for about 2 weeks or more. We should have a photo competition for the dodgiest looking "Spa" sign.


Those were the best.


Obscenity isn't protected speech, nor is incitement, sedition, insurrection, demoralizing military members, etc. "Hate speech" may just be the last nail in the coffin full of boiling frogs.

What is actually controversial that is still considered protected speech?