I tuned in at 5:30 pm for the beginning of their coverage. From the very start, they provided in-depth conservative analysis of the candidates, including clips of interview segments and debates which clearly laid out the positions of each candidate. They were unbiased, speaking on the entire range of issues and giving equal air time to each Candidate. They were able to interview at least a dozen different people from the respective camps.

Compare this to CTV / CBC which had the same old boring (and ugly) hosts who knew little at all about each of the candidates, had panels made up of diversity hires rather than people passionate about the race, and could only fill commentary with trite rambling about the delays.

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Just saw Derek at an event last week, he is the real deal, dude speaks his mind and sees right down to the core of the issues. Went to a rally which had a decent assembly of seniors, boomers, gen xers, and even a few Pee oh Cees. From what I understand, He wants to put trannies in jail, deport all moslems, and legalize full automatic rifles. Even pulled him aside after to ask if he was J-Woke to which he replied "We all know who killed Jesus".