I believe that the goal of many of these elite narratives we see and complain about here isn't about stoking division, they exist to help carry out an anti-white agenda. The media is their number one tool in this mission. Europeans, Euro-Canadians, and Euro-Americans don't have an outlet for their interests, it is simply not allowed. Even groups/movements that come close to benefiting white interests (or are understood by the Left as doing so symbolically) are to be destroyed according to the elite. Things such as Trumpism, Conservatism, Freedom of speech, Right to bear firearms, and more. So to summarize, I don't believe this is all about creating divisions in order to "divide and rule" I think its more likely that its about opening multiple fronts against white people with the end goal of destroying white people as much as possible because the elite simply hate European people.

I don't think everyone in the elite needs to hate white people in order for the elite as a whole to function as anti-white. There could be some self-interested memebers of the elite who go along with the hateful element for personal gain. As for the reason the hateful element exists, perhaps that segment is made up of non-white people who are simply racists and some insane self-hating whites.

Note to Ham: I do my best to respect your rules while on your platform. In this post I am simply calling out racism and hate against white people. I don't believe this post violates any rules. Thank you.


Tiredofitall's post showing off a fake news guardian article on immigration opinoin polls inspired me to do a bit of research. This is what I found, 26 years of EKOS research polling.

“In your opinion do you feel that there are too few, too many or about the right number of immigrants coming to Canada?”

“Too many immigrants”

40% (Canada 2019)

“Forgetting about the overall number of immigrants to Canada, of those who come, would you say there are too few, too many or the right amount who are members of visible minorities?

“Too many visible minorities”

39% (Canada 2019)

56% (Alberta 2019)

47% (Conservative 2013)

69% (Conservative 2019)

51% (High school education)

28% (University education)

Keep in mind that 39% of the popular vote is what the Liberal party got when they won the majority of seats in 2015.

Source: https://www.ekospolitics.com/index.php/2019/04/increased-polarization-on-attitudes-to-immigration-reshaping-the-political-landscape-in-canada/

It's like "authority" is a bad word among conservatives. Any meaningful action is inherently "authoritarian".

Big Tech censorship? Gun rights? Abortion? Trans? Every issue conservatives tackle they can't do anything about because it would require the state regulating individuals' actions. So conservatives achieve nothing.

Muh individualism good! Muh collectivism bad! Muh government bad! When are we going to learn?


In 2005, in the United States 37,461 white women were raped or sexually assaulted by black men. In the same year there were 0 black women raped or sexually assaulted by white men.

The data comes from the US Bureau of Justice Statistics. Here is the link I found the data on, its at table 42 https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cvus0502.pdf


Liberal Buzzwords: Women 17, Climate 13, Indigenous 12, Global 9, Black 8, Racism 7, First Nations 7, Reconciliation 6, Equality/Inequality 6, Racialized 5, Emissions 5, Discrimination 3, Welcoming 3, Gender/LGBTQ 3, Diversity 2, Newcomers 2, Immigration 2, Total: 111

Words that should have been talked about more: Businesses 18, Workers 12, Family/Families 10, Infrastructure 4, Homeless 3, Farmers 2, Fishers 1, Nation 1, Total: 51

From the transcript here https://spencerfernando.com/2020/09/23/read-full-text-of-the-throne-speech/


Many conservatives adhere to the notion of "live and let live" however, it seems to me that this idea is self-defeating. When fundementally, your idealogy is compatible with everything gay and trans etc you should probably rethink it. You shouldn't compromise your values by being A-Ok with others in your society violating them. Beliefs should be a vision for the future and a society as a whole because you believe it will make your society a better place if everyone followed them. I've been thinking about this a lot.