I know exactly how it works. Leftists impose real discrimination to fight imaginary discrimination then wonder why the world become more divided. That's how Democrats put Trump in the White House.
"Equity-seeking group" should exclude feminists and BLM but include MRAs. Seriously, anti-white male quotas are systemic discrimination.
The Canadian legal system is very soft on violent criminals, especially when they are women and other politically correct groups. Look at Khadr. If she is guilty, she might be expecting a stern warning. However, the USA will know how to handle her.
DON'T OVERDOSE ON ILLEGAL DRUGS. Many criminals who die had taken life-threatening quantities of drugs before the police arrived.
DON'T ASSUME YOUR POLITICALLY-CORRECT STATUS PLACES YOU ABOVE THE LAW. When a white male threatens the police the media cheers when he is taken down. Those who believe really believe in equality expect the same treatment for blacks, women, and aboriginals.
Yes, some police abuse their office. When that occurs, the remedy is with the courts, not physical confrontation.
The left using violence to silence its critics once again.
The president of the board of governors at UBC was fired for liking tweet supportive of Trump. UBC is not the worst. The intolerance and indoctrination of academia is disgusting.
Perverts recruit children - and authorities and media approve.
Aboriginals are not motivated to care. They live off the taxpayer regardless. Government teaches them entitlement and hatred: that they are victims and that whites owe them.
As always, lefties try to silence any voice that dares to criticize them, even if that voice is even more critical of the right, such as South Park. Those with good ideas do not need to silence their critics. The ideas of the left are foolish and hateful.
The most important issue that feminists can champion in Canada is the words to a song. This shows what little reason there is for feminism in Canada. Canadian women are privileged in almost every aspect of life: child custody, diverce laws, government programs, employment and hiring quotas, criminal law, and education. Women consume 75% of healthcare dollars and live ten years longer. Women are 7% of workplace deaths, 5% of the homeless, 7% of the prison population, win 80% of the child custody battles, and 60% of college graduates yet feminist call them victims. Feminists in Canada fight against equality in child custody, domestic violence laws, reproductive rights, and employment quotas. Yet they they still claim to 'fight for equality'.
Very true. Nothing in Canada is intolerant as a liberal. They repeatedly use violence to silence moderates. They hypocritically justify their hatred as necessary. Where are the moderate liberals who condemn this hatred?
UBI is a solid risk to take - if you never plan to pay taxes and don't care whether your country starves. Of course, with our open immigration and other socialist programs planned, workers will not be permitted to 'keep half'. So what? Most workers are privileged males. Image shamelessly stolen from theDonald.
I love to see the left fight itself. Rowling has ingratiated herself with the left by championing homosexuals. Fine. But now she dares to oppose the leftist narrative. Here we have two 'victim' groups facing off: feminists and transsexuals. Rowling chooses women when transsexuals are now the darling of the left. For decades Canadian feminists have been intolerant of transsexuals. In fact they are reluctant to recognize any rights of someone born male. Yet they have largely escaped condemnation so far. The Victim Olympics is mildly amusing when I am no forced into it.
Critical race theory is ten times as bad in Canada. We already have institutional racism against whites in hiring and promotion in the misnamed 'Employment Equity Act', and in the criminal courts with the Gladue principle. However, race warriors are still pressing for more.
It's hard to believe that any adult can think this is a good idea even without our open immigration and refuge system. Far less generous schemes have bankrupt several economies in the last few decades. Maybe if you never paid taxes and have no intention of ever doing so, then destruction of the country is an acceptable if it allows you to spend another year playing video games.
violent criminals in the justice system
You couldn't do that before because feelings are more important than allowing for informed political choices, but lefties have changed their minds again and Stats Canada will soon be permitted to track this information again. Old data shows blacks and aboriginals 8-10 more likely to commit violent crimes compared to whites, the same as males over females. Guess which statistic you are permitted to cite.
Liberals: fighting imaginary racism with real racism.
Yep. The relevant axis is Freedom vs. Authoritarianism, not right vs left. Yes, many of the ideas resulting from freedom will be foolish and even abhorrent. However these will lose in the marketplace of ideas. Free speech is the foundation of democracy and freedom.
On the other hand, history has shown that some the ideas from authoritarianism are deadly. Discussion to rebut them is repressed with the violence of the state. Further unchecked government power has horrendous consequences. SJWs constantly breach the law but, at the same time, insist on draconian restrictions on others.
Never forget the government that gifted him $10.5 million while giving his victims nothing. Never forget the Liberals who supported and even praised that move.
How does guaranteed basic income work with open immigration? We couldn't balance the budget before COVID-19. Our dollar will soon be worth less than the Venezuelan bolívar.
Sad. Victoria is home to too many SJWs who are filled with hate.
The leftist dogma that government creates job is simply untrue. Over the long term, for each government job created, four or five jobs disappear from the market. Further in Canada the average government employee is over-paid by about 20% if benefits and job security are included. RCMP earn $95k/yr after four years. Rich for no degree. Teachers earn almost double in Canada as in the USA. All with solid job security, great benefits, and a golden pension. With anti-white/male quotas, these jobs are going to immigrants.
Academia is solidly left wing. This promotes smugness because they are 'educated' while right-leaning people are workers ('uneducated') or businessmen ('selfish'). This culture reinforces itself by persecuting any dissent. Outrageous claims are praised, not questioned, as long as they support the narrative. After years of exposure most will start to think this nonsense has at least some merit. So schools have become advocacy centers for failed philosophies such as socialism, big government, victim feminism, anti-white 'history', family-hating, and climate change extremism. Yes, real communism has never been tried.
How quickly would teacher advocating "make Canada great again" get disciplined? That would make people feel "unsafe".
I hate the political opportunism of unneeded early elections without the pandemic, but this is brazen disregard for the people of the province. I hope the voters respond appropriately.