They give no justification just buzz words. They just claim it is a 'white supremacist phrase' used by 'white supremacist'. Maybe there is a different context in the USA, but in Canada, the phrase is just common decency that even a leftist should support.
Depressing how easily votes are purchased: accumulate a colossal debt and get re-elected. While COVID is a serious problem, Trudeau shoveled out so much unconditional money without any oversight that we may never recover. Farmers can't get workers to pick crops leaving it to rot fields because COVID payment are so high. I know somebody collecting while in Mexico.
Yep. No evidence of systemic racism exists in Canada, except against whites, despite thousands of researchers in colleges paid to document just that. Further, some races, such as Japanese Canadians, outperform whites economically and academically with less criminality and stronger families. This proves that hard work and strong families, not prejudice, dictate outcomes. But these are what leftist fight against.
Pure racism: rights based solely on race. Why should aboriginal have more rights than other Canadians? Should the descendants of our founding fathers have more rights too? They build this country.
What bullshit! Proudly condemning a founder of our country as a 'harmful legacy' because... what? He educated aboriginals? Canada was the greatest thing that happened to aboriginals. Democracy, autos, manufactured goods, electricity, modern medicine, dentistry, heated homes, rule of law, and ample food. Try living on the prairies for just one winter in a tent eating only food caught with tools the pre-contact used.
This movement is simply hate.
Wow! No hate in this comment at all. Yet, those who state that Christian or conservative beliefs are evil are praised as 'inclusive' even when they use hateful language. If we can't discuss on the internet where can we?
Much better than the woman who sneaked into the seats without paying then cried 'racism' when she got caught.
I am glad that he is resisting this. Residential School were the liberal project of their time. They had problems but were largely successful. Even at their peak less than 5% of aboriginal students attended them. Most had a positive or neutral experience and those who didn't blame other aboriginal students above all else. Blaming these schools for all the problems of aboriginals is ludicrous.
Claimed the anti-white job quotas where racist. Permanent ban.
The Charter is a big mistake. It protects scam artists but allows racial and gender discrimination in hiring. It will never protect me.