But no, seriously, I joined MetaCanada because it was a hilarious place to shitpost and generally make fun or r/Canada. Over time the sub grew and a lot of refugees from some rather nasty corners of Reddit began to post in what was a very tolerant sub. Now we're here, mostly because of that, and frankly the number of nutbar conspiratards infesting omegacanada is much too high, as are the number of actually racist posts and judenhaas. I'm a right of centre mostly libertarian dude with a family that included Chinese children. I simply don't want to be associated with this shit, no matter how much fun it was posting ALF memes. At this point I think you'll all have to live without me, as sad as I'm sure it will make all of you.

As a parting gift and challenge, I wonder if there are enough 'tards here to take my "karma" count from 955 to 0. Good luck boys, 'cause most of you are going to need it when Biden actually is inaugurated and your Q anon conspiracies are shattered.


CTV trumpets "a million doses a week" for Canada starting in April. Wooo! Great news!

Now for the math. Assuming 35ish million Canadians will need the vaccine after all the front line people get them, that's 35 weeks to get everyone vaccinated, right? Ooops, what about the second dose? So now we're talking 70 weeks for everyon to get two doses. Hmmm, how many weeks are there in a year? That's right, 52! So from April 2021 to April 2022 plus another 3 months to get to 70 weeks puts us in July 2022 before we are supposedly fully vaccinated. So, how long does the immunity last again...


but apparently medications, PPE, and vaccines are not. I bet the Big Pharma wishes they had the political clout of the Quebec dairy cartel.

And I wonder why beef isn't considered critical to Canada's food security? Or oil to our energy security? Could it be because they are Western products?

I already have 30 or so guns and plenty of ammo, 4 classic cars in the driveway, and I don't think my wife will let me use it on hookers and blow. So, what's the best F-U to the NDP that $1000 will buy me?


Back then it was Aboriginals attacking Canada's infrastructure and blockading our economy. Seems it's totally different when non-aboriginals blockade the "modest" aboriginal economy.


Universal Basic Income is great!. So says Marni Soupcoff. You see, if we just give people cash they will be better for it, and look at these small examples she gives us. A UBI will only work, of course, if we get rid of all other income supports and stuff. Oh, and we somehow prevent the NDP from changing the "B" to an "M" for moderate, or somehow increasing so that everyone is equally poor. Yup, no chance you can buy votes with that!


No, really! In looking for "super-habitable" exo-planets scientists included this in the criteria:

A greater surface temperature, about 5C more than Earth, was also considered to be better for life.

Woohoo, we're saved!


I mean do they Democrats know what "Borked" means? As in the political campaign by the Democrats to defeat the nomination of Robert Bork.

Funny how the only Black man on the US Supreme Court is a Republican nominee. Clarence Thomas was accused of putting a pubic hair on a can of Coke, according to Anita Hill. Joe Biden was involved.

If anyone can provide examples of similar accusations against a Democrat nominee I'd love to hear it. The Turtle didn't accuse Garland of fucking a pig, he just said he wasn't going to hold a vote on his nomination. Does anyone else see a difference in how Democrats block nominees vs Republicans? I think getting stabbed in the front is just a little bit more honourable.

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