This week's update, the last update of 2020, looks ahead to the new year with some concern. How could it be otherwise as Canadians begin to push back against inflexible "lockdown" strategies proven to be ineffective against the Wuhan virus. Add to this the prospect of "re-imagined capitalism", by virtue of the "Great Reset", and we have a recipe for confrontation. This, as the "non-essentials" fight back to regain their livelihoods and civil liberties. One can only hope that the leaders who made such a botch-up of 2020 with their despotic groupthink will seek more effective solutions even as they move to restore fundamental, individual rights and freedoms. Until then, C3RF wishes all a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!


This week's update takes a closer look at the "Wuhan virus fatigue" that, apparently, is responsible for a second wave of the contagion. The charge can be seen as being somewhat opportunistic, however, as it is being made by those in charge of crisis response. How convenient for them that their proposed fix entails making those who are suffering through their lockdown strategies simply perk up a bit and suffer even more. Is it any wonder that some are awakening from their slumbers to question their trust in their leaders and such lop-sided approaches to problem solving? C3RF Member Update - 4 Dec, 2020 (

This week's update wonders aloud if we are all really "in this together" when it comes to the Wuhan virus. How is it that the "non-essentials" amongst us have had their resources and spirits sapped by lockdown edicts even as the "gentry" pick up flush pay packets. Are the former being told to "eat cake"? And how is it that the overlords who screwed things up so badly from the start of the contagion are now forcing a second wave of lockdowns when the first one they engineered obviously didn't work? Is all of this more about politics and the "great reset" than it is about serving and protecting Canadians? Read on.

This week's update notes that the proliferation of false narratives continues apace and has even gotten to the point where they reinforce each other in the name of attaining grand, overarching schemes. Schemes like the "Great Economic Reset" now being championed by our very own Prime Minister. Doesn't seem to matter that these pseudo-realities whither in the face of truth as truth is hard to come by in a cancel culture. But what would happen if cancel culture was cancelled?


This week's update chronicles the ongoing denigration of Remembrance Day. This premier Canadian cultural institution has come under incessant attack by the drip-drip of false equivalencies and narratives that seek to negate the reverence that Canadians have for it. Its all about the ideology of negation that pervades our cultural, political and academic institutions and stands to destroy the very things that our veterans, past and present, fought and died for. Isn't that ironic?

C3RF Update - 06 Nov, 2020 worries that the safety and security of Canadian children will be jeopardized by the passage of Bill C-6 (Conversion Therapy). The Bill creates the potential for these children to be enticed into harmful and irreversible sex-change protocols even as it promises to punish concerned parents who would dare advise them against such harsh measures. The issue raises several critical questions; how could politicians, save for a brave few, allow such a travesty and where is the press in all of this. Perhaps the latter observation is simply in line with the interest the media shows when scrutiny threatens the prospects of their own preferred narratives. Read on and join the letter-writing campaign that seeks to thank the few political leaders that respect the rights of parents and care about the security and happiness of Canadian children.


This week's update looks quite a bit deeper into the recent court proceedings against Constable Daniel Montsion. Recall the good Constable was recently found not guilty of manslaughter, aggravated assault and weapons charges related to the death of Abdirahman Abdi - an unarmed black man on the streets of Ottawa. Charges of systemic racism were immediately raised along with several demands to modify both judicial and police systems. But do the charges have merit are are they the stuff of emotion and kneejerk opportunism? Read on.


This week's update wonders how Canada and the rest of the world managed to trap themselves into a never-ending cycle of alternating Wuhan virus "lockdowns" and ease-ups. This, as accumulating evidence and data more than suggests that this economy and rights-crushing strategy is long on problems and short on solutions. Accordingly, a few questions are raised. Were we wrong in listening to what China and its "pet poodle" the WHO said in the first place? How were China and its globalist partner able to exert so much influence over our decision-making processes?

C3RF Update - 16 Oct, 2020 follows up on last week's with your inputs on just how extensive the foreign funding of Western educational institutions is. It then moves on to detail yet more flip-flopping by Ontario's "all hat, no cattle" Premier Doug Ford before it reports on Stephen Coughlin's latest predictions for a violent 2020 - both before and after the November elections.

C3RF Update - 09 Oct, 2020 ties foreign funding of Western educational institutions with the abject prospects for free speech on Canadian campuses. The former is the subject of a Clarion Project video while the latter is made plain by an in-depth analysis by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF). In combination, we see a stark picture when it comes to the prospects of free speech in formative Western educational institutions and beyond. Something Canadian political leaders are happy to pay lip service to.

This week's update analyzes the first Charter Rights case in Canada's new pandemic era. This case involved a Nova Scotia woman desperate to attend her mother's funeral in Newfoundland and Labrador. She was refused by the province as her travel was deemed "non-essential" and a threat to public safety. She believed her Charter Rights to mobility and liberty were abused by the decision and the judge agreed - even as he ruled the abuse was warranted and a "demonstrably justified" limitation. Thing is, was the judge working with bogus data and tainted modeling. Did he apply a "precautionary principle" meant to protect the "common good" in a less than comprehensive fashion? Read on.

This week's update anticipated a Liberal Throne Speech that refused to break faith with that party's assumed ideology. It's an ideology that picks at historical scabs and promises nothing but disunity and economic chaos. It combines Critical Race Theory with pixie-dust environmentalism and is only now picking up resistance from a fearless President Trump. Fortunately for Canada, there are a few such fearless warriors north of the border. Read on.


C3RF Update 18 Sep, 2020 sees Canada hurtling towards the Throne Speech of 23 September 2020. As it does, so so we also see it accelerate down the path to serfdom. How else to characterize a formal pronouncement that promises to discard Canada's rich, long-admired free market economy with one that is centrally planned and sees government apparatchiks pick winners and losers. All this in an effort to "build back better" into a "green new deal" that births a "resilient economy". Time for letters of concern to be issued off to your NDP, Liberal, Conservative or Bloc Quebecoise Member of Parliament? Get yours here!


C3RF Update - 11 Sep, 2020 ponders the question, "should Canadians be fearful for free speech?" The question is a valid one as author and science professional, Patrice Nishikawa, notes that despotic regimes have a nasty habit of dealing harshly with those who criticize their policies and ideologies. The trend is clear in Canada as even the objective knowledge gleaned from the hard sciences is being set aside to be replaced by re-imagined pseudo-realities like the "resilient economy". How far can we be from Pol Pot's Cambodia or Mao's cultural revolution if we maintain this tack? Would it be better to "re-imagine" our political leadership and act to make it so. Read on and join the related writing challenge.

This week's update takes a deep dive into the economic and civil liberties havoc that is about to be unleashed upon Canadian citizens. This, by virtue the Liberal government's new "resilient economy" proposal that promises to be the centerpiece of this month's Throne Speech. Think "Green New Deal" or "Build Back Better", the "resilient economy" is just another leftist innovation that insists that chosen elites know best when it comes to what you need and when you need it. It's all about "entropy" you see and limited economic opportunities and carbon footprints must be apportioned by the wise sparingly. It matters not that this whole, irrational economic experiment has been tried by the McGuinty and Wynne governments of Ontario and failed miserably. Woke notions die hard if they fit the postmodern narrative and can always be "imagined" into magical existence. In the meantime, ready your children and grandchildren for penury and the debt trap that is about to be sprung upon them.

C3RF Update - 28 Aug, 2020 leaves summer scheduling plans behind in recognition of Canada's headlong rush into tyranny by its, so-called, minority government. It is clear now that, with the suspension and then prorogation of Canada's parliamentary democracy, Canada is operating like a one-party state dead set on moving away from nationhood to become a "green", global entity. This leap of faith is both cynical and reckless. It is cynical as it leverages the need for everyday citizens to have access to emergency pandemic funding to force a favourable confidence vote on a related, upcoming Throne Speech. It is reckless in that it takes the nation down an irretrievable and demonstrably errant path even as it destroys the energy and resource sectors that made its economy great. The Wuhan virus crisis, the "climate emergency" and political flim-flammery have become the troika that underpins the potential loss of a free nation. Read on.

This week's update sees two more "Davids" stepping forward into the free speech fray. The first is Daniel Bordman, a comedian-journalist and free speech warrior who is being taken to task for words that ran afoul of a member of CPC leadership candidate Erin O'Toole's campaign team. It's truly David v Goliath as he battles a $2.5 million court case proffered against him by a legal giant. The second "David" is Patrice Nishikawa, an expat Canadian and professor of accelerator physics in Japan. Patrice is distressed by the intrusion of post-modern, politically correct "elder wisdom" into the hard sciences. It's bad enough that such notions have destroyed the humanities within the educational systems of the West but now the "scientific method" stands to fall to the social pieties of the day.