shekle_goldberg_III 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds about right. Are the adult males enlisted as grade 10 high school students like in Halifax?

We can just look at Sweden to show us what is happening here. From Radio Sweden : "The unemployment rate among foreign-born Swedes is expected to rise from 50 percent to around 60 percent by the end of 2018." Sweden has been actively purging its "whiteness" for quite some time and has a bit of a head start on Canada, however Im confident we will start to see similar stories to what Sweden experiences daily i.e grooming gangs, daily bombings etc.

by Zednix
shekle_goldberg_III 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, co-ordinated ban-waves from corporations all over the world on the same day. Really activates the almonds...