Those idiots seem to have gained their entire understanding of the world through pop culture and the unhinged ramblings of teachers who also only got their world view through pop culture.
They have no understanding of history, of separation of powers, of acting ethically, of human nature, of what drives humans, nothing at all.
The blind leading the blind.
They're all so superficial and downright boring with their predictable opinions and child like views of the world.
Most people are so thoroughly stupid that I'm amazed that they can function at all.
I mean, how completely retarded do you need to be to believe that a drug like HCQ that has been used safely billions of times around the world over the last 60 years is all of a sudden dangerous and shouldn't be taken by anyone?
Absolutely disgusting child abuse by the mother and the courts.
She's not even their biological mother and she has more of a say than the actual biological father.
This is downright evil. That poor kid.