Are they gonna come here and break our balls? Are they that petty?
So many bitches complaining about us in OGFT. Living rent free in their tiny little heads.
They just want to defund police because carding was working, and we can't have facts like that get in the way of the narrative.
The left can't meme so badly that they had to ban memes entirely. A pretty fascist move if you ask me.
Oh no! He said the truth! He didn't go along with their talking points :(
Sure sounds like something that someone who doesn't work would say. She'll be angling hard for UBI after her CERB dries up.
The Yikes one is a nice touch. Every inbred OGFT poster uses that one word line it's some sort of insult.
Neither is white privilege.
Where's that guy who always says he wants to bang her? Did he survive the migration?
Maybe this is why thugs want to defund police?
Defund police so that no one can come evict me when I stop paying my rent!
Because "she" is likely gross.
No. More. Handouts.
Friendly reminder that you can be completely original when choosing winning user names.
Isn't it insulting to "undocumented people" for the far-left to assume that they'll vote along their lines?
There's also the crowd that says "But UBI will be clawed back if you make too much". THEN IT'S NOT UNIVERSAL YOU LAZY FUCK.
But please keep dreaming of free money. Don't get a job like the rest of us.
Stay home, get free money, don't pay rent, free money ends, cry when evicted.
CERB is a joke. They should have fast-tracked EI. Don't qualify for EI? Maybe you weren't working to begin with!
OGFT really wants CERB to last forever and to pretend that rent is "free". It's gonna come back to bite them all in the assssssss and faaaassssst!
What a bully! Avoiding the question over and over again and stalling for time. Sad!
Classic Patgunalingam Rasalingam.
My teacher friends tell me all the time that the "bad" students constantly disrupt the class and distract the "good" students. You can fill in the blanks. It's easy.
Based richest African American.
I like it here because it's facts over feels.