Something doesn’t add up about this plan of wanting to make everyone take this vaccine. I know this pandemic is all fake and ridiculous but let’s just pretend for a moment it’s real. Contrary to what the snowflakes on Twitter and Facebook are thinking the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission and won’t magically bring the case numbers down to zero once a majority has taken it. You can still catch the virus and you would test positive for it. The vaccine only trains your body to fight the virus to weaken the symptoms of COVID-19 to a safe level so if you catch it you won’t get as sick, it doesn’t neutralize COVID entirely from the body like you wouldn’t instantly get rid of the common cold. If the government started doing something like handing out vaccine travel passports to those that took the vaccine that would just encourage people to go outside and spread the virus to others who haven’t been vaccinated, so it would actually be a terrible idea to implement this policy, the case numbers would actually go up. It’s a totally unessacry move. All this vaccine does is protect the vulnerable who are scared to die from the virus by lessening the symptoms . it doesn’t make any sense to vaccinate everyone to get the cases down to zero like they are trying to do as we’ll all end up getting the virus anyway. The real question i guess is what are they really trying to do here?



and it does not look pretty. People seem to be experiencing some horrifying side effects, some are even reporting mental problems like increased anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Yes most of them are trying their best to brush it off (Post-purchase rationalization) but if the people who worship this vaccine are reporting so many negative effects its causing that just tells you how bad it really is ?.




  • Vaccine has to be kept below -70 degrees Celsius in storage otherwise it becomes unreliable
  • Can't be transported by air because dry ice is restricted on planes.
  • Many Hospitals don't have deep freeze environment
  • Several cities in Germany decide not to roll out the vaccine due to storage conditioning not being met during delivery and poor packaging
  • 8 European countries haven't received shipments in time due to problems related to keeping the temperatures low enough in delivery trucks
  • 8 People were GIVEN 5 DOSES OF THE VACCINE AT ONCE ACCIDENTALLY because the instructions on how to use it weren't clear and half of them had to be treated at a hospital.

Big possibilities the mass roll out here in Canada this spring is going to end up being a disaster with so much room for error. I highly doubt the Canadian government can pull this off knowing their track record. I can already see them not storing things properly and administering doses anyway with all kinds of malpractices going on. How does anyone trust these government workers and nurses to administer this highly fragile vaccine to millions at once without error after all the blunders we're used to seeing them make?