Alright so we've all seen the videos of those Kovid Karens whining about their freedoms, to which the leftist doxmob simply responds with derision and attempts to get them fired (and presumably the police fine them or something). If you browse /r/Vancouver with any regularity, you will also know that homeless people there can get away with attacking randoms with hammers, raping, and stealing from stores, and the police will generally protect them if people retaliate. So Ms. Karen gets fines for not wearing a mask into a store, Mr. Homeless can literally steal from a store and the cops can't do shit.
Is the solution to just start being nothing-to-lose-pilled? Dress up like a homeless junkie and act crazy threatening if anyone tries to enforce the mask bullshit on you?
Not every homeless person is a drug addict. There are far more people without a job than there are job vacancies. And the chronically unemployed include people who have mental health issues, cognitive disabilities (autism included), low IQ, physical disabilities. Our society (and that includes both Liberal and Conservative governments) is failing these demographics. Government regulations have killed job opportunities for these demographics. And the shortage of housing (caused by zoning regulations and mass immigration) means you need to room with like 7 Pajeets to afford rent on a Wal-Mart wage.
And it's these type of poverty conditions that lead to the type of despair that leads to opioid addiction (granted I do know rich kids in BC who allowed drugs to rule their life. But the vast majority of drug addicts were poor before they became drug addicts). And drug addiction turns people who were once good into bad people.