Doubtful. Trudeau lost the popular vote in Canada and has a 30-something% minority. This is the same level of Clinton has a 99% chance to win and lying polls non-stop about Biden with 10 people at his rallies being 50 points ahead.
Another article full off flat out lies that anyone who's nominally informed about US politics and current events can debunk. Despite the lies, I have to laugh at statements like this about Canada "undeserving collateral damage of American dysfunction and failure." . Yeah buddy, it's Drumpfs fault the Canadian dollar and economy are shit and that the standard of living and purchasing power of every Canadian with a job has been decreasing at an ever faster rate for years.
And Canadians would elect Hugo Chavez over drumpf too.
Canadians fall prey to propaganda easily. They removed free thinking from education years ago/
When I ask why people don’t like trump here they can’t even provide a coherent answer or logical reason.
Just ReEeeeeeEeeeEeeee “something CBC /CNN told me”
Doubtful. Trudeau lost the popular vote in Canada and has a 30-something% minority. This is the same level of Clinton has a 99% chance to win and lying polls non-stop about Biden with 10 people at his rallies being 50 points ahead.
Another article full off flat out lies that anyone who's nominally informed about US politics and current events can debunk. Despite the lies, I have to laugh at statements like this about Canada "undeserving collateral damage of American dysfunction and failure." . Yeah buddy, it's Drumpfs fault the Canadian dollar and economy are shit and that the standard of living and purchasing power of every Canadian with a job has been decreasing at an ever faster rate for years.